Chapter 3 - Starting To Know

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Skye's P.O.V

After practice I brought them to the restaurant. We walked up to the front and I turned to the boys.

"Wait here. I just need to make sure she isn't busy today." I told them

They all nodded in understandment and I walked in. Immediately I was tackle-hugged by Nova

"I heard what happened and I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" She freaked

I glared at her and whisper-yelled "Lower your voice! I'm fine though. Yeah." I smiled at her "Anyway, thanks for the concern. And the fact you found out so fast-"

"I actually knew about it a few minutes after the police report was filed." she interjected

"Like I was going to say. It makes me so much more confident in having you to find information when I need it. Anyway... I brought some people from school and was wondering if you weren't too busy to let us hang out here."

"You're making friends?!" Nova squealed "I'm so proud. I can finally give free food to you and your friends. When I told you that I was hoping that you'd actually make friends so that it wasn't just you coming by and looking lonely as hell, I thought you would've just brushed it off but I'm so glad you've actually gone out and tried to make friends and now you have some!"

"Chill." I told her "To be honest I don't even know how it happened."

"You're not supposed to. Friendships aren't planned. They're spontaneous and just happen. When they do you have no idea how they did but you're glad they did. Anyway, bring them in." Nova babbled, sounding half sincere and half like some annoying Disney princess.

I led everyone inside and led them to my usual area. It was a corner booth, curved so that it would fit people more efficiently. It was directly by a large window with a beautiful view of the ocean. I stood up and turned to everyone.

"I'll be right back." I told them and walk to the employee lounge in the back where Nova keeps a few outfits for me

Once I got to the lounge I saw her brother Lucas. I silently growled at him and walked to where my stuff was. I grabbed an outfit and walked to the changing stalls the employees use to get into their uniforms. When I was done I neatly folded my uniform and placed it into my school bag.

(current outfit)

(current outfit)

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