Chapter 15 - Pity Party Tears And A Single Hope

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Sousuke P.O.V

"I never actually said I liked you." I teased, laughing a bit

My heart broke when she began to cry, thinking that I was serious.

"So you were just toying with me? That's really fucked up! Get away from me!!" she cried

She pushed me away from her and ran out of the building.

"That idiot, she'll get a cold going out there dressed like that. Not to mention she's still wet." I sighed to myself "I need to explain to her that it was a joke."

"Sousuke?" Haruka said while turning the corner to the hallway "I thought Skye was here."

"She left." I said

"What? Why?" he asked then began to panic "Dressed like that? What if someone tries something with her?"

He ran out after her, screaming her name. I couldn't bring myself to run after her as well. I didn't want to see if that actually happened. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I saw someone hurting her.

Haru's P.O.V

I continued running after Skye until I heard her scream from around the corner.


I ran faster as she continued to scream.


"Come on baby. Don't be like that." one drunk guy said while holding her by her hair "Dressed like that on the streets, you're just asking to be fucked."

She was on her knees on the ground and he had one leg stepping on her legs so she couldn't stand and his free hand holding her arms so she couldn't fight back. Another drunk guy had his hand in her bottom piece and the other untying her top.

"What do you think you're doing?" I screamed "Let go of her!!"

The guy pinning her tugged at her hair and threw her into the building "Let's go. I don't need to deal with the police again or another boyfriend trying to fight."

They ran off and I ran to Skye. I tried helping her up but she couldn't stand. She was paralyzed by fear. I picked her up bridal style and ran to my apartment, which was nearby. When I got home I set her on my couch.

"Are you okay?" I asked frantically

"Th-they.. they tried to.. they were gonna" Skye tried to talk between sobs but could bring herself to finish her sentence

I hugged her tightly "I know." I said

She hugged me back and cried into my chest.

"Why did you leave like that?" I asked

When she responded, I was surprised and confused that she answered in English.


Skye: I went to get a soda and then Sousuke showed up and he asked me why I was blushing during the race because he thought I liked Nagi but I explained I didn't and lied that I was drunk which was why my face was red but then he kissed me and I admitted that I lied and that I liked him then he kissed me again. I ended up pushing him off and asking how him, you, and Rin could make me feel the way I do because I smile like an idiot thinking about you guys and my heart beats faster and my face gets all hot. But I said it all in English like I'm doing now because I didn't want him knowing who I liked but I had to say it but his English is good and he understood what I said and then I told him he couldn't tell anyone because it's embarrassing and I doubted you or Rin liked me back and that I didn't even think he liked me and then he said that he never said he liked me which means he was only toying with me. When I found that out I started to cry and ran off because I couldn't believe I was stupid enough to think he actually liked me. Then I ran faster and turned a corner because I thought he followed me but I ran into those two drunks and the one guy pushed me down and stepped on my legs. I tried to fight back but he grabbed me by the hair and held my arms behind my back. Then the other one put his hand into my bottom piece and started to... to.. to"

She couldn't get the words out and started to break down, hyperventilating and crying again at the memory. I hugged her tighter and stroked her hair to try to calm her down.

"I know this probably isn't the best time to say this but my English is good too. Don't worry though, I won't tell Rin you like him but you're wrong about me not liking you back." I told her

"H-Haru..." she hiccuped and slowed down her breathing to a normal pace "If I was your girlfriend, you would protect me right?"

"Of course." I reassured her "I'd protect you even if you weren't my girlfriend."

"And you would treat me good? Make me happy and smile and laugh? And make sure no one ever hurts me?" she continued to question me

I sat next to her on the couch "Of course I would Skye. I love you and I want to do all of that even though we aren't dating."

She shifted in her seat before moving so she was sitting on my lap, straddling me. I gulped and felt my pants get a bit tighter. I felt angry with myself for getting like this while Skye was in such a vulnerable state. As I mentally scolded myself I felt Skye pull me into a kiss. When she felt me kiss back she pulled away.

"I want to ask you something but you have to promise to do all those things you said and never hurt me or make me regret asking it. You have to promise to always be there and never leave me. Okay?"

"Yeah, I promise. What is it?" I said looking deep into her crimson eyes

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked him

"Of course I will." I said

She pulled me into another kiss. This time it was fiery and more full of passion. I held Skye tightly as we kissed. After a couple moments she pushed herself off of me and started pulling me somewhere. I followed but stopped when I saw she had pulled me into the bedroom.

She looked at me with sad eyes "What? Don't you think I'm pretty? It's my scars isn't it?"

"No! I mean yes but no! I mean..." I stopped and took a breath to gather my thoughts and put them into words "Yes, I think you're pretty. I think you're beautiful and perfect in every way so no, it's not your scars. I would never judge you; especially not for your scars but you're in a vulnerable state right now." I told her "You're not thinking straight because of what happened with Sousuke and those two guys. You can sleep here but I'm not going to have sex with you because you may wake up in the morning and realize that that's not what you wanted. Then you'll regret it. Give it a little time, some thought, then come to me when you're ready. When you know you're ready, not when you think you're ready."

She nodded in understandment and slight disappointment. She laid down and I covered her. As I turned to walked to the couch she grabbed my arm.

"Can you.. stay?" she said, not looking at me "I get bad nightmares and relive my worst memories but it doesn't seem to happen when I'm with someone, so... can you lay with me?"

"Yeah." I said with a warm smile "I'll stay."

I laid in the bed next to her and she cuddled into my chest. I wrapped my arm around her protectively.

"Hey Haru?" she said into my chest

"Yeah."I asked

"I love you too." she said, cuddling into my chest more

Not long after that, we fell asleep.



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