Chapter 6 - Discovering

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Skye's P.O.V

I woke up with my head pounding. I let out a groan of pain while clutching my head in my hand. As I sat up I could hear the sound of water. My vision was a bit blurred but as it sharpened I saw that I was on a bench in the poolroom. I sat up in confusion and looked down to see that I was wearing a black jacket I didn't recognize as my own, Nova's, or Ace's.

"She's awake!" a familiar voice screeched

I went to stand but as I did I was hit with a wave of dizziness and nearly collapsed. I steadied myself and began to walk. With every step I nearly fell.

"Careful." someone said and slung my arm over their shoulders

The person wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me walk. I looked up to see a tall boy with black hair and teal eyes. I looked back in front of me and saw the swim team from Iwatobi. Ashamed of my weak physical state, I turned my head away from them.

"Skye-chan..." Nagisa cried

"Nagisa, let her be right now." a redhead spoke

He turned around and approached me. My eyes widened as my whole body trembled. I knew that he wasn't Ray. Despite my knowledge of this, however, I began to fill with fear. He took a step closer and I tried to back up. Doing so only resulted in my falling from the arms of the boy who was holding me up and crashing to the floor. I began to crawl backwards in fear, desperate to get away from him. I backed into a wall and he continued to draw closer. He began to reach for me and I screamed.

"No! Get away Ray! I won't go back!" my hands tightly gripped my pounding head "I won't go through that again!! No! Stay away!! Noooo!!!!"

Tears were uncontrollably streaming my face. I continued to scream and gripped my head tighter and tighter. My vision, blurred by tears, no longer worked. Desperate to get away I kicked at the boy who was now mere inches away. Despite the blows he received he continued to draw closer and closer. Soon I felt warmth surround me and a soothing voice tell me..

"I'm not Ray. He's gone and he can't hurt you anymore."

Slowly, I came back to reality. I didn't move or open my eyes for several minutes but when I finally did I saw I was surrounded by worried faces. An overwhelming feeling of shame passed through me as they stared. I quickly stood, resulting in me falling as soon as I did so. I slowly stood up again and carefully bowed.

"Sorry for the trouble and inconvenience I've caused you. I didn't mean to make a scene." I said

Just then two people came walking in

"I'm here!" the shorter one said

"Sorry. I stole him for a bit." the other laughed

I stared at the taller of the two before recognizing him

Seijuro's P.O.V

Momo and I walked into the pool area and saw everyone crowding around a girl. She stared a bit before her eyes lit up.

"Seijuro?" she said, not sure at first "Seijuro!"

The girl began to run in my direction but fell to her knees after a few steps. She quickly tried to stand, resulting in her falling right back down.

"Ah! My contact!" she screamed and held her eye in pain

I walked up to the girl who was now desperately looking for her fallen contact. She looked up at me with her midnight purple eye. As she stared she slowly let her hand fall from her eye, revealing a crimson iris. I stared in shock and confusion until it finally hit me.

"Skye?" I asked "You look so different."

I helped her to her feet and she nearly collapse once she was standing. I held her up and she continued to stare at me until burying her face in my chest. I felt water soaking through my shirt and realized she was crying silently. Her shaky arms slowly wrapped around me.

"I'm sorry." she whispered and held me tighter

I hugged her back and motioned for Momo, who was coming back from changing into his swimsuit, to come over.

"Do you know her?" a boy asked over protectively as he walked closer to us

"Yeah." I said in the same over protective tone, hugging her tighter "Now why don't you tell me who the hell you are buddy?" I glared

"Whoa, calm down Seijuro." Rin said in surprise

"Ace." he said, stepping closer

I stepped back "What did you do to her? I swear if you hurt her I'll end you."

"Me? I'm basically family to her!" he yelled angrily "Just who the fuck do you think you are? You're clearly not someone close to her because she never mentioned you nor have I ever seen you with her."

He stepped closer once again and the girl next to him tried holding him back "Enough!" she said, struggling to keep him still

Just as I went to say something Skye began to talk. Her voice was so weak and broken that my heart ached "Don't fight." She buried her head back into my chest "Don't fight."

I placed my hand on the top of her head and began to pet her like I used to when she needed to cheer up or calm down.

She visibly relaxed at my touch and looked up at me "Take me home." she said

"Mom and dad'll be happy to see you." I smiled

"No. My home."

I looked back at her with shock "What? Are you crazy? They'll hurt you again."

She shook her head and a weak smile played at her lips "They won't. They're gone. Take me home. Just for a bit?"

"Alright. Only if you're sure that's what you want." I smiled down at her

"They can come too." she added and fell asleep on me

I picked her up bridal style and turned to the others "If you're coming with us, follow me." I told them and walked out. Most of them followed.

I reached into her pants pocket and pulled out her phone. I scrolled to the contact 'Yamato' and hit call.

"Yes Miss?" he answered

"I'm with Skye and some others. Pick us up, we're at Samezuka Academy." I said and hung up


Thank you sooooooo much for reading! I love all of you! Here's an adorable dancing Miku as a reward for being so awesome reader-chan!

Thank you sooooooo much for reading! I love all of you! Here's an adorable dancing Miku as a reward for being so awesome reader-chan!

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