Chapter 23 - After Practice Fun

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(A/N: Sorry that it's been forever. School keeps me busy.)

Skye's P.O.V

We drove to the school and loaded my stuff into the van. No one said anything during the drive to the warehouse. Once we were set up I flipped to the new song I wrote for the band and read it over. I went red when I realized that it was a lot more personal that I thought. Storm immediately took the book and looked over the song like he always would.

"You already have a new song?" he asked a bit surprised "Awesome! If we pick it up fast enough, we can play it for our fans at the concert!" he cheered

"Yeah.. about the song..." I tried to explain

"What about it?" Vikk asked looking over "It's not like it means anything major right? You don't really fuck with love."

"I'm sure she's just gonna say that it's got nothing to do with her like she always does. Her songs are always just random topics she makes." Raven said

"But they're always awesome." Storm added and everyone nodded

"Yeah." I lied "That's what I was gonna say."

(A/N: Sorry but I'm obsessed with it lol)

We finished the song and I could tell that I was blushing a little bit. I placed my base down and laughed a bit to myself.

"Let's hit up somewhere fun!" I cheered "I wanna hang out like old times!"

"Yeah bitch! Now you're talking!" Vikk laughed

Storm and Raven high-fived "We're in!" they said together

"How bout the an amusement park?" Keith suggested quietly

My face lit up and I tackle hugged him "You've always got the best ideas!" I cheered, hugging his face into my chest "If only you spoke up more." I laughed and ruffled his hair with my hand

"Wait... we can't take the van to a place that crowded." Storm said "What if it gets recognized?"

"Well we can take one of my cars. But first let's all change and then meet up." I said

They dropped me off and I gave Raven directions to the manor so she could pick up a car. I walked through the halls to my dorm, put down my song book and gear, then looked for an outfit to wear.

>>>>>time skip<<<<<


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 (Jacket {around waist})

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