Chapter 27

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(A/N: Sooooooo sorry about the wait guys. I was busy for a while and as soon as things died down I got really sick with the flu. I'll do my best to write as much as possible now that I'm better but I do have a lot that I need to make up for school from while I was sick so I'm not sure how much it will actually be online. Again I'm super sorry for the wait.)

After a while George told everyone to say their goodbyes and let me rest. Before she left I grabbed Vikk's sleeve. She turned around with a puzzled look.

"Yeah?" she asked

"What happened with them." I asked quietly "They're gone right?"

"All of his little helpers are behind bars for life, don't worry." she said "And Noah... I guess we'll never know what was going through his head but he took a belly flop off the roof."

"You pushed him didn't you?"

She winked at me "I never said I did. After he hurt you though, I can't feel remorse for him."

I pulled her into a hug "Thanks." I whispered in her ear before letting go

>>>>>time skip a few days<<<<<

George finally dismissed me and I'm allowed to leave now. I wanted to surprise Haru so I made sure no one found out. I walked to Iwatobi and waited where none of the team could see me. I saw them enter the showers and quietly waited outside the door. Rei and Nagi came out first them Mako. Luckily none of them saw me. I heard footsteps coming towards the door and popped in front of the person walking, certain it was Haru.

"Boo!" I giggled "Did I scare you Ha-.... Rin?"

"Skye?!" he said, shocked but happy

Just then everyone noticed me and Haru came running out of the showers. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I wanted to surprise him you fuck weasel!" I huffed and flicked Rin's forehead

I heard someone running up behind me and assumed it was Nagi about to glomp me. I froze when I heard the old man's voice. "Young lady watch your language and don't you dare run away again!!"

I turned around "You can't run away from somewhere you don't live." I retorted

"I am your father and you will respect m-"

"No you're not. Hate to break it to you.. actually no, I don't give a fuck about telling you. I've already got a home and I don't need you. Just because you grab someone and make them live with you without letting them speak against it doesn't mean you've adopted someone. It usually means you kidnapped them."


"Stop embarrassing yourself and leave old man. You're not my dad, never were my dad, and will never be my dad. So. Just. Go." I hissed, emphasizing every word of my last sentence

He hung his head and left.

"Harsh." Mako said

"When am I not?" I pointed out

"Fair." he admitted

"When did you get released?" Nagi asked

"Today." I said "I made sure no one knew so I could surprise everyone."

I felt Haru hug me from behind so I turned around to face him. Before I knew it I was trapped in a group hug that wasn't gonna end.

"Okay, it's been over two minutes. At this point it's lost its thought and went straight to awkward." I said uncomfortably

They apologized and released me from their hug's captivity. I watched them practice and talked with Gou until it got dark. I walked  back to the dorm with Rin and texted Haru, asking him to explain to the psychiatrist why I was unable to talk to him once a week like he wanted.

(A/N: Again I'm super sorry for not updating in a while and I apologize for this chapter being a bit shorter that usual. I'm still having trouble with this story so I might put it on hold and start a new story while I sort out what I want to do with it. Death Note, or Fairy Tail / Fairy Tail High [I might do a story for both but start with the one people are more interested in]. Send me a message or comment which you prefer or if you'd rather me update this story even if it means the story isn't as good as it could be and not well planned.)



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