Chapter 26 - Save Me

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Vikk's P.O.V

"She's blowing us off again?" I asked, irritated

"I don't think it's that. It's been a week." Raven said "Do you think they got her?"

We continued walking down the street.  I stopped when I saw her boyfriend.

"Hey wait up!!" I yelled to him and ran over to him and his group of friends "You know our friend Skye right? Is she okay?"

"I don't know." he said and walked off

"Wait, I thought she was with you guys." the red haired boy said a bit worried

"Hold up everyone!" a girl with curly black hair said, whipping out her phone "I put a tracker on her."

Her eyes went wide and she went pale.

"What's wrong is she okay?" I panicked

"It says she's in the abandoned prison. She's barely even alive." she said in a shaky voice

I motioned to the rest of the band "They got her again! We need to go NOW!!" I cried

They raced over to us and we rushed to the van the girl and guy following us with another guy and Ash.

"Who got her?" the guy with Ash asked

"I'm Vikk. That's Raven, Keith, and Storm."

"I'm Ace, she Nova, that's Rin, and this is Ash." he said "Now what's going on."

"Now that that's out of the way," I said "It's a long story but more or less a crazy dude who's been following Skye since she was in Australia has taken her. He's been chasing her for years but over those years has gathered people to mindlessly and unquestioningly help him. Two years ago they got her but she escaped. Then they got her again in America but she escaped again. They must have her now but I don't think she has the willpower to fight anymore. It might even be too late." I broke down crying "That sick bastard.... he.. he rapes her and tortures her. I don't wan't to lose her." I wiped my tears "We met online three years ago while she was in Germany. We've been there for each other through more than you can imagine so when me met in person last year it was like we already knew each other our whole lives. By now her barely existing will to live has probably disappeared because of him."

Skye's P.O.V

I clutched my stomach and tried to ignore the agony I was in. I heard the metal door open and my heart dropped. He was back for the second time today.

"You're back early." I said, my voice raspy and my throat sore from coughing up blood so often

I struggled to get up but lit up when I was Vikk standing with everyone else. I couldn't help but breakdown in tears.

"What's wrong?" she asked

"I'm sorry." I cried

"This isn't your fault." Ace said in a broken voice

I moved my hands from my stomach to reveal the bloody gash.

"He left his knife." I cried "I took my chance. It was supposed to be over."

My vision began to go black and I couldn't make out what they were saying.

>>>>>time skip<<<<<

I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was in my hospital room. I looked around but no one was around. I laid back against my pillow and sighed to myself.

"Knock knock" I heard someone say but wasn't sure who

I looked up and relaxed when I saw that it was Haru. He walked next to me and I grabbed his hand with a smile but he just pulled it away from me. I looked up at him with hurt in my eyes, my smile gone. He refused to look at me.

"This isn't gonna work out. I think we should break up." he said

"Why?" I asked, tears threatening to fall "You broke you're fucking promise Nanase!" at this point I was crying my ass off "You said you wouldn't make me regret asking you out! You said you'd never leave me! You fucking promised not to hurt me!!"

"I saw you kiss him." he said, still not looking at me

"Kiss who? Noah? I didn't fucking kiss him! He kidnapped me and raped me! RAPE IS NOT THE SAME THING AS GIVING CONSENT!!" I tried to stand but only crashed to the floor

I gave up trying and just curled up into a ball, crying softly to myself. Haru walked up to me and tried to help me up.


The beep of my heart monitor began to speed up.

"I didn't know about that." he said in a sad voice

"Then who the fuck were you talking about?" I sniffled, curling into a tighter ball

"Rin." he said

"That was out of context." I said quietly "I was feeling self conscious and he was trying to help but Ash jumped on me and I fell into him."

"Skye.. I didn't-"

"Don't even bother. If you don't trust me then what's even the point?" I asked "I think it's better that you just go. Maybe I would be better with Rin."


"I still love you Nanase but...." I couldn't finish, I started crying "Come back to me. You're not my Haru anymore." I said and continued to cry "I want my Haru back."

I felt him hug me. My heartbeat began to slow to a normal pace. Just as he placed me on the bed everyone walked in to see how I was. He was about to go but I pulled him into a hug and whispered so only he could hear.

"Never break your promise again. Okay?" I whispered in a hurt voice

He nodded and place a kiss on my lips before walking out of the room.

(A/N: I might have a big surprise for you guys later on in the story but I'm not sure if I'm gonna add it or not yet. I don't want to spoil anything but you might be able to figure it out if you pay attention to details in the story. I also have another thing that I might add but there's no hints in the story so you'll just have to wait until the next chapter to see that one. So until next time my lovely readers. I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night. Let me know what you think of the story. Check out my other stories and Psycho's stories. And please ask questions on our Ask Us Anything story. It doesn't matter what it is, we love to hear from you guys. Love you guys and bye!)

Hints to the surprises:

1 (hints in the story): song, Vikk, untold

2 (no hints in the story): Vikk, Noah, secret

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