Chapter 30

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Skye's P.O.V

A week has passed and I haven't had anymore episodes. I've finally been put at the top of the transplant list and was given a buzzer. Currently I was with the track team at a celebration party we were having for winning another relay. I glanced at my phone and my eyes widened.

"Oh shit the concert!" I said loudly

"You're going to the Cannibal Crown concert too?" Akito asked

"Your going?" I asked

"We all are." Kyo explained

"Can I get a ride?" I asked

"Sure." they said

>>>>>time skip<<<<<

"Where are you going?" Mika asked as I walked away from the group

"Backstage." I said

"Damn. Lucky." he said before joining the team again

I quickly changed into what wardrobe laid out for me and put on my mask. I tuned my base and sound checked my mic before walking out on stage. We played the new song, Kiss Me Before I Fucking Lose My Mind, first followed by our top hits. Halfway through the concert we called up the contest winner onstage. He chose to sing his song as a duet with me (which we had practiced together the day before the concert). I reached a hand into the crowd for him to take and pulled him onto the stage. Storm handed him his mic with a smile.

"Congrats on winning the contest. Why don't you tell everyone a bit about you and your song real quick?" I said

"My name is Caleb. I'm originally from New York City in America but moved from state to state." he said "And this song is called Sick Boy. It's about how I felt my illness defined me in the eyes of others back when I was battling lung cancer."

"We'll we're all glad to see you here today healthy and happy." I said "Are you ready?"

He nodded and we began, instantly earning cheers from the fans

The song ended and he walked back into the crowd. We played song after song and everyone was having an amazing time. Midway through a song my buzzer went off and the band stopped playing. Vikk rushed me backstage to quickly change into close so I wouldn't be recognized by the outfit wardrobe had me wear.

Storm's P.O.V

Fans stared in confusion at the sudden end to the concert.

"Excuse me!" I said into the mic "Sorry for the inconvenience but one of our band members had to take care of a personal emergency. Unfortunately, Wolf is in need of a heart transplant and what you saw just now was her buzzer went off, meaning she needs to get to the hospital as fast as possible. We'll have to end the concert early due to this. I apologize that it had to be cut short and hope everyone understands."

Vikk's P.O.V

I waited nervously outside of the operating room for hours. I nearly collapsed when I saw the team of surgeons walk out. Every inch of them was drenched in blood and not a speck of white remained on their once pristine scrubs. One of them walked up to me, his mask still over his mouth, blocking his expression. I could see streaks of Skye's blood on his face where he wiped away his sweat. He looked into my eyes and time seemed to, not quite stop, but damn near it as it lingered. He reached a finger up to his mask and puled it down to reveal a large smile. The weight lifted off my chest and I was able to breath again. I broke into tears, a smile on my face, as he spoke.

"The operation was a success," he said "She won't have to worry about a disrhythmic heart anymore. She needs her rest but you can take her home within two weeks."

"Thank you so much!!" I cried joyfully and hugged him, not even caring about the blood

He hesitated for a second but hugged me back and patted my back "You can see her in a few hours when the anesthetics wear off." he added and walked off

>>>>>time skip two weeks<<<<<

Skye's P.O.V

I walked up to the track team with a smile, my guitar slung over my shoulder and my bag in my hand as I dragged my bass case "I'm back!" I cheered

"Welcome back" Mika smiled

"So you guys are fans of Cannibal Crown?" I asked and sipped my water

"Yeah." Akito said "We followed and subscribed to their YouTube channel back when they were first starting and even went to a couple of their garage gigs in America when we could fly out."

I nearly choked on my water finding out they followed the band for so long "Cannibal Crown has a fan-base of over thirty-four million. Only three hundred twelve people followed the YouTube channel, one hundred six people ever subscribed, and only fourteen people in the world have ever been to the garage gigs." I said, listing the statistics "You guys deserve a fucking award."

"How do you know all that exactly?" Kyo asked

"You guys wanna come to a party with the band?" I asked

"Wait you know the band?" one of them asked

I just smirked to myself and let out a single laugh "One of the band members just coincidentally gets a heart transplant the same time I do, is the same height as me, and has the same voice. No I have nothing to do with the band."

"Your related to Wolf?!" one of the first year members asked, causing all of us to facepalm

"No sweetie" I said in a voice like you would say to a child who's being a complete and utter fucking idiot "I am Wolf." I added and pulled my mask out of my bag

"That's so cool!!" Mika fanboyed

"Can you sing us something?" Kyo asked

"Sure." I said "You guys might remember this oldie"

I began to play the first song I ever wrote

They smiled and bopped to the beat, a couple of them mouthing the words to the songs or helping with the 'so what's and other back up vocals. I fought my laughter as I sang and continued to play. I was having an awesome time. Eventually we made our way to the party.

(A/N: sorry that this chapter was only about half the usual length)



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