Chapter 9 - It's Nothing, I Have An Interview

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(A/N: this chapter is a little longer than usual and is about three and a half thousand words; about twice the length of a normal chapter)

My eyes widened and I snatched the bottle from his hand, hiding it behind my back "NOTHING!!"

I saw Seijuro raise an eyebrow and reach for the bottle "What is it?" he asked

Without thinking I high-kicked his rib cage "I said it was nothing!!" I screeched and backed a few steps away

"Sure. Seems like a whole lot of violence over nothing." Nova scoffed

"Well it's just a stupid bottle." I mumbled

I felt the bottle leave my hands and turned to see Ace read the label. He looked down at me with a mix of irritation and hurt.

"You know you should have told me." he said and placed it into my bag

"I actually have to take them now." I murmured, looking at my watch

He sighed, looked at the dose amount and put the dose of pills in my hand. I popped the pills into my mouth and swallowed them dry.

"By the way someone sent you a message before." Nova said handing me my phone

I looked at the message and growled in frustration. I had just gotten back to the manor in over ten years and he expects this.

"I have to throw a bloody damned ball. What a pain." I told her

"Who's gonna be there?" Ace asked

"Probably just a bunch of family business partners." I said in a bored tone "Can some of you show up to it? I need people who aren't ancient to be there. For the sake of my sanity."

Everyone nodded and I smiled

I set a random date and asked if the date worked. They nodded again.

"I've got to get to my interview soon." I told Ace

He raised an eyebrow "You know you don't need a job anymore. Right?"

"I said I was gonna get a job so I'm gonna get one and so fucking help me if you question me again I'll castrate you." I growled at him

"I don't even want to know where you learned how to do that." he said while cringing at the thought

"What are they even for?" Momo asked, referring to my pills

"So I can one day turn into a magical waffle and fly to the wonderful world of unicorns and cotton candy to become the queen of sugarplum fairies and make all vegetables of the universe taste like chocolate." I said sardonically

"Jeez you don't need to be mean." he said

"And you don't need to pry on a topic I don't want to talk about." I hissed

Nova put a hand on my shoulder. I sighed and turned back to Momo.

"Sorry." I said "I'm just a bit irritable right now because I popped a few stitches and it hurts like a bitch."

Everyone widened their eyes

"What?!" they all screamed

I unbuttoned and removed my jacket. I had put it back on right after the match and didn't notice that I popped them until after I left the dojo.

"How did you even get an injury like that." Ace panicked

"Ray attacked me in an alley when I was walking back to the old man's house." I said in my usual monotone and shrugged my shoulders

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