Chapter 21 - Abandoned Prescriptions

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Everyone ran into the hallway and followed him to wherever he was going. They began to crowd around something that was about twenty feet from the classroom. I pushed my way through the heard of students and eventually made it to the front. I filled with horror when I saw Skye's limp, unconscious body collapsed on the floor.

"Does anyone know what happened?" Haru asked desperately, tears pouring down his cheeks

"She's been blacking out. I overheard her talking to herself the other night." Sousuke said quietly while staring at the ground

"Why didn't she tell me?" he asked, his voice was more or less a broken whisper at this point

"Something about that it would just be something else she needs to take medication for." Sousuke added, still not looking at anyone

>>>>>small time skip<<<<<

I sat up slowly and tried to keep my balance despite my pounding head. I looked around at the familiar room and sighed, looking down at the IV in my arm. I reached underneath the uncomfortable hospital bed and grabbed my box of novels. I had already finished all of them several times so I simply reached my hand in the box and randomly picked from it. I opened the the book that I pulled out, not bothering to see which one I grabbed, and began to read it with a sigh. Within the hour I heard footsteps. I just assumed it was just George or one of the nurses coming to check on me and monitor my heart, breathing, blood, or whatever. I continued reading unenthusiastically but immediately closed my book when I heard a familiar voice.

"Oh my goodness what happened?" I heard Rei gasp

I put my book down and started to stand, looking up with happiness.

"Oh, hi guys!" I said pulling the IV stand with me so I could move around without the tube ripping out of my arm "Why're you guys here?" I asked while smiling like a complete idiot

"Haru texted us that he was at the hospital with-" Mako began to explain but I cut him off

"What? When was brought to the hospital? Why? Is he okay? What happened? He's not gonna die is he?" I began to panic and my heart monitor began beeping dangerously fast

"Calm down. He's fine." Mako said hugging me while George rushed into the room with some nurses

"What happened?" George asked frantically

"She just got a bit anxious but it's okay now" he explained before turning to me "Haru said he was here with you."

"But where is he?" I asked

George cleared his throat, causing us to turn our attention to him, and looked at me sternly "We ran some tests." he said "You haven't been taking all of your medication. You've even been skipping doses of the two pills you have been taking."

I lowered my head "I know."

"You need to take them." he said "Take them the the same time as you take your other one and your new one. If you don't-"

"And if I don't my conditions may become deadly." I finished his sentence while rolling my eyes "I know."

"So why won't you take them?" he nagged

"Because if people find out, they won't let me do what I want. I wouldn't be allowed to do martial arts or run. I wouldn't be allowed to play basketball or volleyball. You think that I would be allowed to swim? Especially alone? I wan't to join some sports teams and they won't let me if they know about my conditions."

"I know you like to stay active.. but with your conditions, maybe limit yourself. Stick to small walks." he suggested

"No. I'm not going to hold myself back from what I love." I said angrily and crossed my arms best I could without pulling out the IV

"What do you mean by her conditions." Rei asked concerned

"You see young man, Skye here, has anemia and problems with her heart. She blacks out due to lack of healthy red blood cells or her heart rate becoming too slow at times. Other times she experiences trouble breathing or hyperventilation due to her heart rate becoming too high." he explained "She was given medication but, according to the tests we ran, she hasn't been taking them for what seems to be a few years. Nor has she been taking her migraine medication. She's even been skipping doses of her other medications the her psychiatrist prescribed her."

"Why didn't you tell us about your conditions Skye-chan?" Nagi asked while running up to me from the door

My eyes fell to my feet when I saw Haru standing at the door.

"Sorry you had to find out about it like this." I said "I wanted to tell you but didn't want you to see me differently."

"I would never see you differently." he said and walked up to me

I went to hug him but nearly collapsed before I could do so as the beeping of my monitor began to slow down.

"You need to lay down." Haru said and carried me to the bed

It took a lot of effort but I wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed me down and pulled him into a weak and tired kiss. He smiled and kissed my forehead. That was all I saw before my vision became blurry and everything went black.

Haru's P.O.V

"I'm sorry but all of you will need to stay in the waiting room until she's stable." the doctor said and rushed us out of the room

"She'll be alright." Makoto said with a hand on my shoulder

"What was that kiss about?" Nagisa asked as we got into the hallway

Makoto smiled at him and giggled a bit "Oh right. I guess you guys didn't hear."

"We're dating." I said

"You're gay?!" Rin yelled in surprise while walking towards us

"No." I said

"But Makoto said that they didn't hear and then you said the two of you were dating." he said confused

"Skye and I are dating." I said "Not me and Makoto."

"Oh." he said, sounding disappointed "How is she anyway?"

"She was conscious for a bit but then blacked out." Rei told him

"Do you know why she keeps passing out like this?" he asked

"She apparently has anemia as well as problems with her heart but she hasn't been taking her medication for years." Nagisa sighed

"Damn." Rin sighed then held out Skye's phone to me "It was left at the school."



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