Chapter 17 - Just 'Harmless' Jealousy

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Sousuke's P.O.V

I continued staring at the door hoping to apologize to Skye. I saw her in the doorway with Makoto and Haruka. She hugged them and I thought nothing of it but filled with anger for some reason when I saw her kiss Haru. She walked in and I walked up to her. She just ignored me and placed her lunch in the back.

"Really you're ignoring me?" I said irritated

She walked passed me and sat in her seat, once again not saying a word.

"I can't believe you." I said "What are you? Five?"

She just continued to ignore me.

"Just because you took something I said the wrong way doesn't give you the right to ignore me." I said, growing angrier "You want to talk about toying with people? Seems you're a bit of a hypocrite about it. I mean you said you liked me, kissed me, then the next day I find you kissing Nanase."

"You kissed me for one and and for two, I don't need to explain to you why I kiss my boyfriend." she glared at me

"No wonder why you didn't think that anyone liked you. You jump from guy to guy to guy. You're a total whore." I laughed "I can't believe I kissed a slut like you."

Skye suddenly stood up and slapped me "AND I CAN'T BELIEVE I LET A PRICK LIKE YOU KISS ME!!" she screamed angrily and walked out of the room

Skye's P.O.V

I walked out of the room but as soon as I was out of sight I ran away crying. Why would he say things like that? I thought he was completely different but I was wrong and could never like the person he truly is. I began to hear footsteps running behind me so I ran faster. They sped up as well so I began running as fast as I could, turning several corners until I was sure I had lost whoever was chasing after me. I looked around and realized that I had ended up in the basement, more specifically, the boiler room. I leaned against the wall and slowly slid down it. Knowing that the noise of the boiler would drown me out, I broke down completely and cried until I had no more tears left to shed. I hugged my knees into my chest as my mind fed off his hurtful words and began to flood with painful thoughts. You're so pathetic. Haru could never love someone like you. You're such a slut. You're invisible to everyone but the people who want to hurt you. No one cares about you. You should cut more. Why don't you just kill yourself? There's a rope over there. That pipe is high enough. You're neck will snap and it'll all be over in seconds. It won't even hurt. No one will even notice you're gone. You're too broken for Haru anyway. He deserves better. Your corpse could be down her for years and no one would even know. Why didn't your parents abort you when they had the chance? What are you waiting for? The rope is so close. It's right there! Just grab it! DIE ALREADY YOU USELESS WHORE! Thoughts and voices continued to flood my mind. I slowly walked to the rope and picked it up, my entire body shaking violently. Slowly, I began to tie the rope and grabbed the ladder from the opposite end of the room. As if in a trance, I brought the rope and the ladder to the highest pipe in the room, making sure it was high enough so the rope would snap my neck rather than leave me dangling while I slowly asphyxiated. I climbed the ladder, tied the rope to the pipe, and slipped my head into the noose. Just as I was about to jump I got a text. The sound snapped me from my thoughts and my trance. I looked at the phone. It was from Haru.

(A/N: when you get to the pictures, just pretend the watermark isn't there)

Haru: How's the sushi?

Skye: Great! Best sushi ever!!

Haru: I know you're lying

Skye: I'm not! I ate the whole thing.

Haru: Skye I made you mackerel.

Haru: Rin texted me and Makoto saying you ran out of class and have been gone for hours.

Skye: Please don't be mad if I tell you the truth

Haru: I won't what's wrong? Where are you?


Skye: I didn't even know I tied it

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Skye: I didn't even know I tied it. It was around my neck. I was about to fucking jump and I didn't even know.

Skye: My mind was just flooding with such horrible thoughts and I was in some sort of trance. I was too lost in those horrible thoughts to realize what I was doing.

Skye: Please help me Haru. Before I do something I don't want to do.

Haru: Oh my god!

Haru: I'm on my way to your school. Where are you?

Skye: In the boiler room hurry. I need you Haru.

Skye: Just you.

Skye: Don't bring anyone else here.

Skye: I don't want anyone to know I'm here or what I almost did.

Haru: I'm half way there. You okay?

Haru: Skye?

Haru: SKYE?!

Haru: Skye tell me your okay!

Skye: Haru hurry! It happened again.

Skye: I was up the ladder with it around my neck.


Skye: How the fuck can I just go to do things like this and not even realize it?

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Skye: How the fuck can I just go to do things like this and not even realize it?

Haru: Stay strong Skye. I'm at Samezuka. I'm on my way.

Skye: Hurry.

Haru's P.O.V

I ran down the stairs and slammed the door open. I saw Skye under the ladder. She was curled into a ball, covering her ears, and screaming while tears streamed down her face


I quickly ran to her and pulled her into a tight embrace but she continued to scream


My heart broke at the state she was in. I shook her, now crying myself.

"I'm here Skye! I'm here!" I screamed "I'm here! Snap out of it!"

The minutes that passed felt like hours until she finally calmed down. She launched herself forward and hugged me tightly. I couldn't believe that no one heard her or even looked for her.

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