Chapter 31

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(outfit, plaid shirt is around her waist)

(outfit, plaid shirt is around her waist)

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Skye's P

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Skye's P.O.V

We sat around in a circle with our recorded tracks playing in the backgrounds.

"Dare." I said

"Flash us." Raven smirked

"That's it?" I asked with a laugh

I shrugged and pulled my bra and tube top down, waited a few seconds, then pulled them back up


"Truth" he said

"What's up with the barely dressed girl I keep seeing visit your house? She a stripper or something?" I asked, holding in a laugh

"She is a stripper but it's just my cousin Gia coming over to visit before or after work." he said "Raven?"

"Um.. dare I guess" Raven said

"Send a nude to your mother." Keith said with an evil smirk

"I'm doing the shot." she said with a red face, refusing to do the dare "My turn. Storm?"

"Truth?" he said, unsure if it was a good idea

"What really happened in the bathroom stall that night at the club?"

"Some Molly and a guy who was really good at giving head." he said with a red face nervous laugh while he scratched the back of his head

"Okay Storm," I said "You're turn."

"Okay." he smirked and scanned over the circled "Vikk?" he cooed

"Dare." she said

"Make out with Skye." he said, his smirk growing

She turned to me with a blushing face and placed her soft lips on mine. She closed her eyes and I closed mine as well. I parted my lips and let her tongue slip into my mouth. I placed one hand at her waist and cupped her cheek with the other as I leaned further into the slow, sweet kiss. She snaked her arms around my neck and the kiss began to speed up, growing with more and more passion. By this point we both had completely forgotten about the others in the room and were too focused with each other. She leaned back a bit so we were laying on the sofa bed. I slipped the hand I had at her waist into her shirt and unclipped her bra while she unbuckled my belt.

"Well that escalated quickly." Storm said causing us to break apart and whip our heads to face him

"Oh fuck," I said "Completely forgot there were people here."

I quickly fixed my belt and Vikk reclipped her bra. I let out a nervous laugh at the awkwardness.

"So...." I said "I'm gonna just take my beer and go upstairs."

I stood up and slowly backed up to the stairs before racing up them. I finished off the beer and flopped onto the bed. The door creaked open and I could see Vikk standing in the doorway with a red face.

"Come on in." I smirked

She walked in, closing the door behind her. I watched her shyly walk to the bed and sit on the edge. I crawled up beside her and hugged her from behind, placing butterfly kisses on her neck.

"You know the new song," I whispered into her ear in a seductive coo "Was actually about you. So was the band's first song."

She blushed an even darker red and I giggled at how adorable she is when she's shy.

"Fuck it." I said, deciding to just go for it

I pulled her into a kiss. She instantly melted into it and turned so that it wasn't awkward. We grew with more and more passion as we kissed and leaned back so we were laying flat on the bed. We began to undress each other, throwing each other's clothes to forgotten corners of the room. The years of pent up affection came out all at once as we continued to make out. She eventually broke away and began to kiss and bite at my neck while toying with my chest. The entire night we were both moaning messes from each others touches.

>>>>>time skip<<<<<

Around two a.m. I knocked on Seijuro's door since his house was closer than my dorm and I was very drunk. His mother answered the door and let me in without questioning it. I walked into Seijuro's room.

"Hey do you have any-" I cut off and my eyes widened at the sight in front of me

Everything that had been on his desk was pushed messily to the side and Ace was sitting naked on the empty area while Seijuro fucked him in the ass and gave him a hand-job. The two of them were frenching, two wrapped up in what they were doing to notice me. Ace was covered in hickeys and Seijuro's back was covered in scratches. I quickly took a blackmail picture with my phone.

"Not that I would, but I can't even judge." I said "I mean I hooked up with Vikk. Anyway, aspirin."

They pulled away, looked a t me, then went back to what they were doing. Ace reached into the draw beside in, not bothering to pull away from Seijuro, and tossed me the bottle. I caught it and walked out with a giggle "You guys are cute together." I said as I left.

(A/N: So did you see the plot twist of Vikk being in love with Skye or Skye having feelings for Vikk? I put a few hints in there but I'm not sure if they were subtle or basically me hitting you over the head with a metaphorical shovel of foreshadowing. While I was at the lesbian hookup I figured I can take the chance to add some more comedic relief with the walk in. Lemme know what you think of the story. I love you guys so much. You're awesome and I appreciate every view I get.)

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