Chapter 38

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(A/N: 119 is Japan's version of 911)

I quickly dialed 119. An ambulance eventually carried Skye away as I answered the police's questions.

>>>>>time skip to Skye's release from the hospital<<<<<

I was in intensive care for a week going in for one surgery after the next. The hospital refused to allow anyone to visit me. I signed the last of the papers the hospital told me to and walked out of the building. I pulled out my phone as I walked out and texted Yamato to drop off my 1968 Stingray.

 I pulled out my phone as I walked out and texted Yamato to drop off my 1968 Stingray

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When I got back to Samezuka, school was already over. I ran straight to the pool. Preoccupied with swimming, nobody noticed me walk in. Not bothering to wait for him to get out of the pool, I dove into the water clothes and all and glomped Rin. He looked at me with both shock and relief before hugging me tightly and pulling me into a fiery kiss. When we pulled apart I got out of the water everyone was staring at me.

"What's up with the gown?" Toru asked

"This is what I was wearing during the crash. It's all I had other than a hospital gown." I explained "I didn't get to change yet."

Before anyone could say anything else the door opened behind me. I turned to the Iwatobi team and didn't think twice before tackling the closest member, which happened to be Haru, into a hug. The force sent us slamming to the ground but neither of us cared. Eventually all the death hugs had died down and things were almost normal but I could tell something wasn't right with Sousuke.

"Rin," I said as everyone was leaving practice. Him, Sousuke, and I were the last few out. "Is everything okay with him?" I motioned toward Sousuke.

"He was there during the accident. He took it pretty hard and never really let it go." he explained

"Do you mind if I-" I began but he knew what I meant and stopped me

"No problem, go ahead." he smiled "He could use your comforting."

I smiled at Rin and ran up to Sousuke.

"Hey, Sousuke! Wait up!" I yelled out

He slowed his pace a bit so I could catch up and we walked down the hallways together.

"What's up?" he asked

"Wanted to see if everything was okay..." I said, thinking about my words carefully "Rin says you were there when.. during the accident. You seemed a bit out of it so I was worried."

We got to his door and he motioned to it; silently offering me to go in. I did and we sat next to each other on his bed.

"Thanks," he smiled "but I'm fine."

I frowned "You're lying. I can tell."

"That obvious?" he sighed with a hollow laugh

"What's wrong?" I asked, placing my hand on his knee

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