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Still Nelli's POV

"Don't worry I'll go easy just tell me if it hurts" Emmanuel reassured me.

I looked at him dead in his eyes as he slowly pushed it in.

"Take it out it Emmanuel it hurts!" I semi screamed as I felt my insides being poked. Emmanuel laughed softly.

"Im sorry, just firm it for a little bit its gonna go away soon" He went in again and I shut my eyes tightly preventing any tears from escaping.

"Damn. You're so tight" He whispered and I sensed the satisfaction in his voice and I stayed silent. He pushed it in and out a couple more times and I began to feel that feeling from earlier again and I let out some soft moans.

"You good?" He whispered in the same tone

I nodded. He was no longer hovering over me his body was now pressed against mine while gripping my bum and moaning into my neck. He started to pick up his pace now and my legs started to shake. I dont know whats going on but it felt like a tingly feeling in my vagina. My body started shaking and Emmanuel looked up at me but I turned away as my eyes rolled back. My moans got louder.

"Did you just cum?" Eman whispered between breath's but I couldnt speak yet because my breath was taken away. He slowed down his pace and he made a very loud noise in my ears. He took out his piece and laid on me.

I'm just confused. Im not a virgin anymore.

Emmanuel rolled off of me and held me close. I was actually lost for words like I dont know what to say/ think. Eman fell asleep and I laid there until some light came through the curtains. I finally fell asleep too.

I was woken up by little footsteps all over me. I thought it was a cat or something so I woke up scared only to realise that the footsteps were accompanied by little voice and I saw they were Eman's little sisters.

"Look Emayuew she's awake" A little girl spoke. She was soo cute in her little pink pyjamas her hair was all messy and she had eyes like mine she was chinky. I rearranged my position and there was an exact photocopy of her sitting beside her except she was wearing purple pyjamas. Emmanuel looked at me and smiled.

Eman- Say hi

The little girl in purple waved at me and the one in pink gave me a hug.

Eman- Yeah Aaliyah is the nicest twin, this one's Aalizah.

Me- They're so cute

Eman- I know, you three got the same eyes aswell.

I chuckled.

Me- But they look like you soo much.

Eman- Yeaahhh but sadly they're my step dad's kids.

Me- Ohh you dont like him very much do you?

He shook his head and played with Aalizah who had now climbed on top of him.

Eman- What time you tryna go home coz I have work at 4

Me- I dunno

Eman- Coool I'll take you home at like 2

Me- What's the time now?

Eman- 11:18

I nodded

"Lizaahh!! Liyahh!! Come and eat" Aunty Angela shouted from downstairs.

They jumped off the bed and ran out the room. As soon as they left, Emmanuel looked at me

Eman- Last night was certi

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