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I see yous in my comments, nothing but love & appreciation for yous 💕x

Nelli's perspective:

Shit, Im so angry at Aunty A for bringing attention to it but hey what can I do.

Me- Its fine

I pulled away from his hand and slightly chuckled its not funny so why I wanna laugh I dunno but hey.

Me- Ready to go upstairs?

I began to back away towards the door and Eman followed. Twins were asleep as usual so I went straight to Emans room.
He closed and locked the door shut.

Me- How was work?

Eman- Why's your eye like that?

Me- No reason Eman its fine

Eman- No Nelli tell me why your eye is like that.

Me- I got boxed in my face

Eman- BY WHO!?

Me- My brother

Eman- Should I move to him?

Me- Noo its finee

Eman- What happened?

I started explaining to him the story starting from Izzy on the train till me getting punched in my eye.

He gave me a warm hug and kissed my forehead.

Eman- When I see that Izzy yute Im gonna chat to him. Ask him what's good and for your brother I dont even know, I don't wanna do anything that will stop your family from liking me cos you're gonna be my wife soon.

Me- No don't speak to Izz about anyth- wait wife?

Eman- Im gonna cuff you properly soon.

Me- I hope you dont mean wedding bands because Im-

Eman- *chuckles* Dont be silly, Thats in 3 to 5 years max. Then Im gonna breed you

We laughed and he kissed me. He put his arms around me. I swear I melted. He lifted me up so I wrapped my legs around him.

I felt something hard in his trousers. He pulled away and whispered "Ay, what you tryna go"
I bit my bottom lip and nodded.
He kissed my again and went down my neck. He unzipped my hoody with one hand.
He put me down but I stood on the bed.
He took off his top and bottoms while I did the same.

He turned off the lights and he laid me down.

He was just catching a rhythm then my phone rang. We ignored it but the person kept calling.

Emman pulled out so I could see who it was. It was Kingsley. I rolled my eyes and put my phone on silent , dnd and airplane mode I turned back towards Emmanuel who was now sat up .

I climbed on top of him.

Eman- Who was it

Me- Kingsley but its whatever

Eman- Wanna continue?

I nodded...


Emmanuel's perspective:

Never really heard me speak have you. I don't say too much anyways Im to myself and lowkey. I like to observe and that.

I go by the name of Emmanuel Zesiro mostly known as Squeeze or Eman. Bare guys know me as the quiet and "unpredictable" one. —

I've been in and out of trouble with the law for about 2 years now. Now I just wanna make ps and be comfy with my babes.

I looked to my right and I see her. The girl who I know will hold it down for me. Quinelle Millian. She's so beautiful

Separately, she has something about her that interests me. She's not one of them basic broke and bougie girls that expect man to pay for everything and drive them anywhere. She's my equal when it comes to me if she could drive she would drive me. And if I let her, she'd pay for me.

It doesnt even feel real to have her here next to me right now. I intend on cuffing her officially very soon. We've only been speaking for like 3 weeks now.

Im so surprised tho she let me take her virginity after 1 day. I dunno whether to be gassed or concerned. Oh well Im not gonna violate. She's mine now so its calm.

I pulled her close and went back to sleep.

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