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Glory's Perspective

Nelli and Jas just ran in the house screaming. Nelli had blood on her clothes and she was screaming the house down. I looked at Jas like why are you running and she just shook her head at me. I could hear shouting from outside.

"She's dead I swear! When I see her again Im fucking her up! Nah FUCK THIS BITCH. COME OUTSIDE NELLI IM GONNA FINISH YOU I SWEAR!"

I walked towards the door and saw Ocean shouting outside with no trousers on and no knickers. Emmanuel was just standing there like a dickhead with his bottoms only have way pulled up. I put two and two together. I got so angry. Vianni ran outside too, he must've deeped it.

Vianni- You dumb slut, did you just fuck him !?

Ocean- Yes I did! I sucked his dick too and I am proud! Tell your sister to come outside right now

I walked up to Emmanuel ready to fuck him up, Vianni by my side and this dickhead was waffling "Ay you man allow it lemme just explain myself." He put his hands up in defence. Jas ran outside too

"Vianni, Glory chill and get back inside the house Nelli fucked up that bitch already. Catch him later. Your sister needs you two right now." She calmed us down and we went inside

"Wait till Kingsley hears about this Emmanuel, you're dead" Vianni threatened. Its true once Kingsley is mad there is no stopping him.

We went up into Nelli's room

She was in bits,just crying bares. I've never seen her like this. I don't wanna see her like this right now. I poked my head through the door and Jas was hugging her. Kingsley hasn't come home yet just waiting till he hears about it. Vianni was fuming when he heard if Jas didn't calm us down. It would've been a wrap for Emmanuel.

Me and Vianni just couldnt hack to see her like this we just went downstairs into the kitchen

Jas came after about 10 minutes where me and Vianni were.

Jas- Im ordering Nelli food what do you guys want?

Me- Nah babe I'll click it

Jas- Alright thankyouu

Me- This is ridiculous man how's he gonna do her like that

Jas- You know what it is that gets me mad is the fact that Ocean looked up and smiled.

Vianni- Shes been a J you know.

He paused halfway through his sentence and went upstairs. Jas looked at me like wtf.

Jas- Why do him and Nelli do that?

Me- It's actually not a lie when they say they have telepathy. She called him but we cant hear

Jas- Wtf man they're weird

Vianni's Perspective

I went into Nelli's room. I know there's another reason why she's crying like this. She was on her bed looking at her phone. It was Emmanuel, he called her 27 times.

Me- Nelli

She looked at me.

Me- I know there's another reason why you're crying like this tell me what it is

Nelli- I just got cheated on V what do you mean? Look Im going to wash my face.

I followed her in the bathroom. She went to the sink and ran the water but started crying. It took me some time to deep it but I could just tell.

Me- Nelli, are you pregnant ?

She looked up in the mirror looking at me and she nodded slowly.

Me- So you mean to tell me, my niece or nephew is forming in your belly right now and its dad is out here moving loose!?

I saw red. Don't know what I was doing but Nelli screamed "VIANNI CALM DOWN"
Jas and Glory were upstairs now.

Glory- What happened!?

Nelli- Nothingg

She faked smile and dried off her face. I went into her room behind her.

Nelli- Stop following me Vianni.

Me- No Nelli let me kill him.

Nelli- Im not gonna let you do that. When I'm calm Im just gonna talk to him and if I dont like his answers then you guys can fuck him up.

Emmanuel's POV

I fucked up I know I did. She was all I could think about while driving home.

"Hey, stop stressing you've got me now" Ocean said while kissing on my neck. I just dashed her off of me. She's actually my biggest regret.

"You're the cause of all my problems, just get the fuck out my face and out my house. I dont ever wanna see you again" I shouted before walking into the other room away from her. She followed me and I pushed her, but I guess cause Im angry I used excessive force and she fell on her bum.

She looked up at me and I felt nothing towards her. She had tears and I felt no type of way at all.

"You just pushed me" Ocean said

"Yes I did now get out my house." I spat

"Nobody talks to me like that" She stood up and hit me in my back. I chuckled, turned around .

" Now Im not one to hit girls but do that again and I promise I will lay you out, fucking slag" I whispered

"I'm a slag but you're cheating on your girlfriend with me? you love this" she shouted just before she hit me in my face and I lost it. I picked her up and forced her out my house. I completely forgot I had steps infront of my door because she fell very hard. I threw her bah at her too.

I slammed my door and sat on the floor and sighed. I feel like shit.

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