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Kingsley's perspective:

I know exactly what that man wants but he can't have it. It's so fucked to think it but I know it's what he wants. He wants Nelli and Vianni because they're the youngest. To think our own dad could even think of doing that. If you don't get it let me explain. My aunty used to tell me stories before she passed. Long story short, its child trafficking without looking suspicious and it's not my siblings that are going through that.

Im gonna wait all day for this call. My dad is a big part of the reason my life was so hard. I was only back in mums house for abit till I turned 18. I moved out as soon as I could, I got my p up and made sure my siblings were patterned they'd all come sleep over at mine when mum would move made. Her and Nelli used to go at it bares. Physical fights arguments all of it.

It got worse when I went to Uni apparently. Glory used to tell me, it was mad. Just know from then on my mum was the reason I hated women. In my opinion they're just here to increase the population and clean houses. Even then mum couldn't even do that. Obviously, thats not necessarily my opinion now. And I never thought that about Nelli but cos she's a girl she could hold smoke.

I love all my siblings especially Nelli, we have an awkward relationship but trust me thats still my guy for real.

I love Vianni like you cant imagine. He's a little joker. I like how he's got Nelli's back through everything even when they do argue but he's abit rude I won't lie. Even Im shocked by the things that come out his mouth he needs to watch how he talks before he gets into trouble for no reason. He's a nice kid though, a smart one too. He has the potential to go very far in life and Im gonna support him 100% of the way.

Same with Nelli. Ay I love that girl you know she's a joker/ Our relationship is too shit but at the same time she knows I got her always, because I do. I know she can hold her own, we raised her well. I didnt know she was a g till Emmanuel came into the picture. Nelli's the girl that every trapper gm or roadman needs in this life of sin. She's actually a rider, proud to call her my sister. She's like my soft spot, touch Nelli and you have to die. Waiting till the day I see that Ocean bitch. Gonna M her properly. I swear. 

Glory is actually my favourite sibling no lie but thats only because Im closest to him. The relationship we have is like Nelli and V's, no one  understands it but us. He's rode it out with me since day every struggle that I went through, he was there. Some dysfunctional families cause siblings to fall out and take sides not us though. We've been like shotgun and solider since day.

I have my aunty to thank for all of this I guess. I know she's not happy with what Im doing because she doesnt agree  but I know she's proud of me. I miss that woman every day. God bless her soul.

Emmanuel's Perspective:

I was at work just doing my thing and Justine calls me. I ignored it, I'll call her back on my break. But she continued calling me, like over and over again. I went to the toilet and I called her back.

"Yo babe whats wrong?"

She sniffled

"Yo whats going on!? Why you crying?"
"Just come get me from college right now"

She didnt give me attitude or anything she just cried and hung up. I told my supervisor Im going on my 15 and cut. I got to her colly so quick. I called her to tell her Im outside.

She was in tears walking up to the car. She got in and looked at me. I won't lie she looked scary. Her makeup was running down her face, her eyes were red and puffy. She had like crusty boogies.

"Whats wrong" I asked.

"You. Squeeze youre meant to be my man but why do you spend so much time with your ex? It makes no sense. I shouldn't be im competition with someone you broke up with. Shit makes no sense. You have to chose. Its either me or her"

I knew this would happen eventually. I can't have the best of both worlds. I actually have no reason to break this girls heart so I should at least try shouldnt I?

"Im so sorry you feel like that. I swear that wasn't my intention. I'll cut off Nelli if you want me to."

She wiped her tears


I nodded and kissed her forehead.

"Come, Ill make it up to you on Saturday Okay?"

She nodded and hugged me.

"Have a good day okay, I got you don't stress" I added on.

Now how the hell am I supposed to break this to Nelli. I wont do it today its her birthday today....

-Next day-
I slept at Nelli's cos we were all chilling for her birthday last night. I slept on Glory's floor though.  I couldn't sleep with Nelli. She's temptation.

I went to the kitchen and made myself breakfast. Nelli came in and hugged me.

"Sleep good?" She asked while stretching


She raised her eyebrow "Why so blunt?"

"What happened between me and you can't happen again, Justine called me crying asking me why it's so hard for her to hold me down. Im breaking someone's heart and I don't even mean to. I just don't think we can talk right now even as friends" I sighed. Nelli's eyes began glistening like she wanted to cry.
"It's fine, Im not your girlfriend anymore"
Her voice cracked and she walked away. I felt so bad but it had to be done.

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