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Nelli's Perspective

A madness went down yesterday. Now Im in my house with the twins asleep in my bed. Glory picked us up and dropped us home after all of it and I thank the lord for him but he clocked that I'm with Eman. He said he wants to meet him. And Im scaaaredd I dont want Kingsley to know.

Its 9 right now the twins have no clothes. They're sleeping in their  vests and knickers. Their nappies are full and I have none. They're definitely gonna be here for atleast a couple of days. Ahhh and we need to go get Eman. Glory said he would help and come.

I struggled myself out of bed, I patterned my hygiene and threw on a t shirt and leggings and a backpack. I tip toed downstairs only to find V in the living room.

Me- Im going shop quickly Ill be back if the twins wake up play with them till I get back

V- Cool

I left and got on Kingsleys ped. I dont even know the way to Emans so Ima just go buy them new clothes in general.
Do I even know where to buy baby clothes.

I just went into bare shops in Ilford and bought them stuff. I got them little jelly slides aswell they were too cute. Everything pink I lovee it i got them leashes aswell... I can't help it they were cute.

I whizzed back home and the twins were up already V was playing with them.

"They woke up inih so I entertained them" V spoke but continued playing with the twins.
"Where's mummy" Liyah questioned while wobbling over to look out the window.
Me and V just looked at each other, we didn't know what to say. We actually don't know where she is.

I brushed it and started laying out their clothes on the bed. I went back downstairs to make them food. I boiled water to make porridge and my mind wondered off to Eman. I wonder how he's doing. The police currently have custody of him. I need to go collect him later on today. I'll get ready after I pattern these two little cuties. My thoughts were interrupted by Kingsley walking into the kitchen. I'm still not talking to him since he boxed me in my face and tried to take my phone... crazy man.

I looked at him then proceeded to make food. When I was finished I put two small portions in bowls and got two spoons.

"V! Bring the twins downstairs!" I shouted from the kitchen. I heard little footsteps on the floor board and down the stairs.
They ran into the kitchen and Glory followed shortly after.

Me-Where's V?

Glory- He's in the toilet , he's coming.

I nodded. Glory sat Lizah in his lap and I sat Liyah in mine. As we fed them Glory started asking questions

Glory- What actually happened yesterday

Me- I'll tell you when I'm with Emmanuel

Glory- Calm we can go get him as soon as you're ready, Cells ain't a nice place una

Me- I can imagine. He shouldn't even be there to be honest it's actually all mad

He paused and looked at the kids.

Glory- I can't wait to have my own kid

Me- Same you guys are taking bare long to breed like be quick at this rate Vianni's gonna be a baby dad before the both of you .

Emmanuels Perspective:

Im going nuts in this cell, I have to wait 2 more hours before I can be released unless someone picks me up. This man is crazy I didnt even do anything this time but watch make him touch my mum one more time and Im gonna slump him and kick him out he's crazy. I dont even know where my little sisters are they better not be with him cos Ill go madd.

The guard walked me out and led me to the reception where I saw Nelli standing with my two baby sisters on leashes. They all looked cute. Nelli put their hair in 2 bunchies and she had hers in one.

All 3 of them were wearing the same thing I couldnt be happier to see those 3 faces.

I walked up to them and threw my arms around both twins at the same time. Then Nelli straight after. I felt like crying but Im a big man to be crying.

"Come on my brothers gonna take us back to mine" She gave me a reassuring smile and turned around to walk. Her bum was all shaking, I need to make love to her tooodaaayyyy.

We got to her brothers car and he was one of them bolo niggas but he looks calm.

I had to sit in the front seat while V and Nelli sat in the back with my sisters in their laps because they didnt have seats.

"Urmm Glory this is my boyfriend Emmanuel, Emmanuel this is my older brother Glory"

Glory nodded at me and I nodded back, he proceeded to question where and how me & Nelli met.
I answered all his questions but our conversation was interrupted by Nelli accepting a phone call.

" Ayyy what?... SAYY MUMSS... Have you felt this weather I aint wearing no jeans b... Yeahh... Cycle shorts..."

I blocked out the rest of her conversation. Cycle shorts got me. She got off the phone.

"Where you going in cycle shorts" As usual, I bluntly questioned.

"Photoshoot, for Jaz's cousins clothing line" She answered

I nodded, lemme draw her out later not infront of her brother.

"Nelli let me catch you in shorts again and watch fam. You're not wearing that" Glory threatened.

She just kept quiet in her seat and started playing with Aaliyah.

Glory turned to me, "So what happened yesterday"

I sighed and we started to explain

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