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I just imagine what we could do together. How your arms would feel around me. How your lips would look up close. If your eyes sparkle in the moonlight, under the stars, while I'm close to you. What it would be like to run my fingers over your old cuts. You're beautiful, but I can't ever see it. Because you're the one person who I'm off limits to. You're the furthest from my reach. The most ignorant to my feelings. I really really am attracted to you. But I can't ever do anything. I can't ruin everything. I have the most intimate thoughts around you. It's just wrong. But I think things I shouldn't around you. And then you do things that make me want to hug you. You do something that reminds me of how far away, distant, you really are. You are still wanted. You are still beautiful. You and still amazing.

You are still perfect.

The Thoughts and Poems from the Mind of a 14-Year-Old GirlWhere stories live. Discover now