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I always either tell myself no one cares in order to feel better or worse. The later always happens though. I expect the worse out of everyone I meet. Everyone I'm friends with. I don't think I don't deserve the amazing people that have decided to stick with my annoying ass. I always think they are going to leave. Or say I look like shit. I'm shocked that they don't make fun of me more than they do. I'm easily a superb pick on person. I'm fat, lazy, stupid, crazy, and super annoying. I'm basically the type of person that a bully dreams of preying on. I deserve it. Because I personally think I'm a worthless piece of absolute shit. But, you are entitled to your opinions. So, think what you want. But before I click the publish button on the corner of my screen, I know I probably shouldn't be saying how much I fucking despise of myself online, but yolo. Even though sometimes I feel like I'm not even living. Like I am a corpse that breathes, walks, and bitches all the time.

I don't wish any of my self-confidence issues on anyone else in this world. No one should feel shitty about themselves. I'm just struggling a lot to tell myself that.

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