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This one is definitely different to say the least. Anyways, enjoy I guess.

Raindrops drop onto the soft earth below
Echoing on rooftops and pavements
The soft skinned angel, with eyes like a doe's
Has to gather her next payment

She stands out of the bed with the covers tucked around her shell
And slithers from below the passed out fool
Stumbling around, she had almost fell
But quickly regained her composure

She slipped a few bills out of the tossed wallet
Grabbed her dirty dress with care,
For it was the only good outfit she had
Let alone nice enough to wear

She scampered out of the sin-filled room
And ran as quick as possible down the stairs
Yet the heels she adorned all night made her crash down all too soon

Her plump little face with makeup so smudged hit the carpeted floor
She let out a sob and couldn't contain the years of tears anymore
People stopped, others stared
But no one wanted to help her out the door

She was small
She was pure
But the dirty things her body allowed
Haunted her no more

Her soul was grazed
Her face much worse
Her pride never there
And her happiness was forced

She went back to the downtown city late that night
After waking up in a chair
An older, sweet little woman stared solemnly in despair

She gave no glance to the homeless around her, but instead went next door
She used her meager money to buy razors, gum, and little more

No one remembered the small girl from that night
But everyone recalled the young lady that lost her fight.

The Thoughts and Poems from the Mind of a 14-Year-Old GirlWhere stories live. Discover now