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I'm sorry.

I've screwed up.

I'm a shitty person.

I'm not as nice as I should be.

I'm not as selfless as I should be.

I tell the wrong people everything
And the right people nothing.

I don't have enough trust in our friendship
That I could tell you and we'd be okay.

I am afraid that you're just ignoring it too.

Because something really scary happened today.

And I don't know if you heard it.

I don't know if that quick look away was imagined.

I don't know if that awkward smile was really there.

I don't know if they meant to.

I don't know if they are worth hanging onto right now.

I don't know anything really.

But, I do know that I will never be good enough for you.

I will never be able to tell you.

I will never be able to earn your complete trust.

But I'm okay with that
Because you are amazing.

And if I lost you
I don't know what I would do.

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