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Hey guys! I don't normally do this, and I won't in the future, but @gurl_02 messaged me a bit ago and asked if I would post one of her works. After reading it, I decided I should. Not only do I relate to this, but I'm sure my itty bitty group of followers can too. I love this poem! Anyways, here it is!

She looked in her eyes and asked
"You look tired: Are you okay?"
To the floor her gaze was dropped
She nodded, letting her smile fade away
But HER gaze never dropped
She thought about how much she's changed
From a happy, energetic teenager
To one for whom happiness is a stranger

She thought about her brown orbs
How once they held many beautiful forests
And how it was full of happiness And was not one bit emotionless

But now it's full of tears and sadness
And it's always emotionless
And the forests are black and sad
It's like from it, happiness was banned

She said she was okay
But she wasn't okay
She feels like her whole body was wired
And she was indeed very tired

She's tired of holding it in
She's tired of feeling broken
She's tired of feeling damaged
She's tired of being judged

She's tired of all her flaws
She's tired of wanting this life to be paused
She's tired of all her insecurities
She's tired of them limiting her abilities

She's tired of all the lying
She's tired of being let down
She's tired of being held down
She's tired of trying

She's tired of caring too little
She's tired of not caring at all
She's tired of being treated like a metal
She's tired; wanna know how I know it all?

Because she's me, and I'm really tired

~Israa Fawaz

What do you guys think? Be sure to encourage this author in the comments below and maybe give her a follow!

For now,


The Thoughts and Poems from the Mind of a 14-Year-Old GirlWhere stories live. Discover now