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Everyone always says how nice I am.
How I always think of others.

But I'm just a selfish, fake bitch.

I always just think about myself.

I'm nice to others so that they think good about me.

I always crave attention and acknowledgement from others.

I stare at myself in the mirror.

I obsess over what I look like.

I worry about being in photos, for fear I'll look bad.

I have an insecurity. And I obsess over myself and ruin other people's fun.

You try and take a photo of me using that new adorable filter? Nope. I hide my face because I look ugly. Then you're upset for me being dramatic. Nothing new.

I wish I could be happier with how I look.

But, worst of all, I want you all to myself.

I said a pronoun for myself 27 times in this short chapter. See; I told you I have a problem.

The Thoughts and Poems from the Mind of a 14-Year-Old GirlWhere stories live. Discover now