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A loud alarm blaring through the room is what awakens Louis. He yawns into the emptiness, arms going over his head as he stretches his tired limbs. His lips smack together before he starts to slowly roll over in bed, yelping when he falls over the side and onto the ground. He didn't realize he was so close to the edge. He lets out a small groan and arches his back to push himself up into a sitting position.

He blinks his eyes a few times to focus on the numbers glaring back at him from the clock, 6:00am. He picks himself up off the floor and grabs his phone before shuffling towards the bathroom. "It's too early for this." Louis mumbles to himself, body zombie like as he stared at his reflection in the mirror.

His eyes are hooded and he had dried drool down the side of his right cheek but he couldn't bring himself to care. Another yawn breaks through him and shakes him to the bones, his eyes watering at the force. He begins his daily routine of getting ready, already knowing that today was going to be a long day.

After about half an hour, Louis was finally dressed and ready to go. He rushed to the kitchen and scrambled to find something to eat, rummaging through his cabinets. He frowns when he doesn't see anything appetizing, closing the wooden door. He opens the fridge and raises his eyebrows when he sees how empty it was. "Wow. I really need to go food shopping." He says aloud to himself.

He decides to grab a sketchy looking apple from his fruit basket as well as a water bottle and deems that a healthy breakfast. He bites into the apple, his phone dinging in the living room where he threw it onto the couch. He shuffled over to it, briefly glancing at the text message before his eyes snap up to the time. He lets out a curse, realizing if he doesn't leave now he'll definitely be late to work. He quickly grabs his jacket from the closet along with his scarf before bolting out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

He pauses on the steps to lock the door while simultaneously tying the scarf around his neck. The air was unforgiving, hitting him like buckets of ice water. "I really hate this weather." Louis mutters in annoyance, walking down his steps carefully. It was rather icy and he wasn't trying to bust his ass today. He huffs when the wind picks up again and pulls his jacket tighter around him, starting to walk down the street towards the bus stop. He barely makes it three steps before a loud honk catches his attention.

He lifts his head and scans the area for the cause of the loud noise. Louis' breath hitches when his gaze lands on Harry standing beside his car on the driver's side, green eyes narrowed in on him. Suddenly, a small smile breaks out over his face and he starts to walk towards the sleek black car.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" Louis asks quickly once he gets to him, puffs of white smoke leaving his mouth as he speaks. Harry blinks a few times and reaches forward to tug Louis closer to him when he notices his jacket was misaligned. He can smell the faint traces of stress wafting off Louis that Harry assumes is from getting ready.

"You missed a button, now they're all in the wrong spot." Harry informs him as he starts to redo Louis' jacket for him. Louis glances down at his jacket and makes a small noise when he sees that he did in fact screw up on a button. He's starting to realize that Harry notices everything, even small things like a neglected button. It's unusual but welcomed.

"Of course I did, thank you for noticing." Louis grins up at the tall alpha, feeling warm minty air blowing across his cheeks as Harry breathes. "So why are you here?" Louis asks again once Harry was done, stuffing his hands into his pockets to protect them from the cold.

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