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In case anyone would want to know, that's how I envision Alec and Peter to look like. Just thought it would be nice to visualize a face with the character :)

Louis couldn't stop looking at the rock sitting on his fingers. It was a heavy but comfortable weight that still made his head spin. He remembers the time he found out how much Niall's ring cost and how it almost made him faint. Well, when he found out how much Harry's ring for him cost, he actually passed out and was unconscious for two hours. The alpha had freaked out and carefully watched over him, thankful for being a Doctor for once in his life.

The ring was $650,000 and Louis wanted to throw himself off a cliff. Of course Harry would spend that much on him for just their engagement ring. The man was crazy and Louis was seriously doubting his mental state. He sighed and fiddle with the gorgeous ring for a few seconds, spinning it in slow circles.

"Uhm, Louis?"

The omega looks up to see Peter standing in the doorway, his hands folded together. Louis smiles and stands up from his chair, approaching the young resident. "Hey, what's up? Did you need something?" He opens the door all the way and motions for him to come in.

"Uh no, I didn't really need anything I just wanted to make sure I got the right office." He explains while slowly stepping inside, sitting on the edge of the couch. He looks around the spacious office and notices the multiple pictures hung up of him with his friends and with Harry. Louis closes the door and stands in front of Peter with his arms crossed.

"You were looking for me?"

"Yeah." Peter chuckles and runs a hand through his blonde hair. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't lying about being chief nurse. Gotta make sure I can trust you so I don't have to take you down." He teases which makes the omega laugh.

"Well then as you can see, I am definitely the chief nurse so you can trust me now."

"Hm, I don't know. You could be trying to steal the company's secrets to exploit them for money."

"Aw fuck, how did you find out?" Louis says with a pout, Peter smiling at his humor.

"I've been told that I'm people reader."

Louis snorts and tilts his head to the side. "I didn't know people were books."

"Oh yeah," Peter starts off while feigning a serious expression, "They totally are. Words written all over them but only a few people can see them. We're called the super readers."

"You couldn't come up with a better name?"

"No, not really I was on a time limit." He says while rubbing the back of his neck, letting out a little chuckle. Louis grins and reaches a hand out, pushing Peter's shoulder gently.

"You're pretty cool." He tells him which makes the younger omega smile widely. "How long have you been a resident here?" He asks while placing a hand on his bump when he feels a cramp.

"I just started three weeks ago. It's pretty.. new? It's hard to explain." He says with a laugh while shaking his head. "People are a mixture of nice and rude or downright weird. I'm pretty sure there's this woman who comes just to flirt with me and I get so weirded out. But I love coming here everyday and being able to experience such amazing things. Working in the hospital is like living a different life."

Louis watches Peter talk with soft eyes, understanding what he means. "Yeah no, I agree with you. It's as if you're another person when you're here. It almost feels like you're a hero of some sorts. And I guess we are? We save and heal people everyday and I guess that makes us heroic."

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