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Louis was ready to scream in frustration. It's been three hours and they're still packing-or attempting to. Harry isn't much help as always, he's being a menace and keeps distracting Louis. It all started with a balled up shirt smacking the back of his head. Louis had turned around and saw Harry smiling at him with an innocent look. It all went downhill from there and a clothes war started.

By the time the two men were on the floor panting from their laughter, half their clothes had gone missing around the cabin. Louis was pretty sure he saw one of his boxers hanging from a tree outside. How it got there he's not sure himself. Now he was trying to finish the packing he started at six this morning but Harry wasn't having it. "Come on baby, just do it one time." The alpha begs while holding his hand out to the small male.

"No Harry, I am not going to dance with you right now. We have to pack because our flight is at 11:00 and it's already 9:20." He says while tossing a pair of shorts at Harry's face before he turns back around to fold his pants. The older man groans and falls back onto the bed Louis was sitting on, making the petite omega bounce from the impact. Louis gives him a dirty look before he continues to pack his things, shaking his head.

Harry turns on his side and watches his boyfriend pack quietly. His brown hair looked soft and delectable, tumbling with the movement of his head. His lips were pursed with the tip of his tongue poking out in concentration. His blue eyes that seemed so much brighter this morning were focused on the pair of pants he was folding. From this angle he could see the barely visible freckles that laid across Louis' nose.

God, he got so lucky. His mate looked like an angel that was placed upon this earth just for him to love. How could he ever look away from a sight like this? "I'm feeling a little violated." Louis murmurs as his lips curl into a small smile. He never looks away from the task in front of him even when Harry wraps his long arms around him.

"How could I not stare at the gorgeous view in front of me, hm?" He asks while placing gentle kisses to the back of Louis' neck. The omega giggles and arches his back to push away from the alpha when a slick hand tries to slip between his thighs. "Ah, no. Keep your hands to yourself, mister. You're not fooling me with the idea of sex this time. You had your fun last night when you were four fingers deep inside my ass."

Harry lets out a small noise at the memory of Louis coming two times from just his fingers. "I seem to have some trouble remembering that. Maybe you should give me a demonstration, I'll even let you use my fingers as a prop." He says slyly while moving his hand to grip at Louis' round cheeks. The omega squeals and jumps away from Harry which makes him laugh.

"Harry, I will throw you out the window."

The alpha blinks and tilts his head, "How can you throw me out the window? With what strength? I will end up up crushing you." Louis giggles and turns to face his boyfriend, smacking a kiss to his forehead. "I knew the old you was still in there somewhere!" Louis exclaims happily while throwing himself onto Harry.

The taller male catches his mate and makes sure he places a hand on his stomach to protect their baby. "What do you mean the old me?" He asks after Louis settles on top of him, lifting his head a little to peck his lips. Louis places his hands on either side of Harry's head and rubs their noses together affectionately.

"When we first met you were so serious all the time and you were unable to understand jokes. You were barely able to tell a joke from reality and it was hilarious." Louis tells him as Harry rubs his lower back in slow circles. The alpha grins as he remembers the times where Louis would walk away with an eye roll when he didn't understand him. His fondest memory was when they first met and Louis said he was flying home. Harry had been so confused because he genuinely thought he was serious.

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