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Dedicated to the triad. Please excuse any mistakes or typos I may have made. This was requested by saralove1389

4 months earlier

Niall throws his head back as he moans, his nails dragging down Liam's chest. He leaves little red lines making the alpha hiss at the pain. His hips slam forward as he fucks into his whimpering mate at an ungodly speed. Niall cries out when Liam's tip slams against his sore prostate, his body arching.

"Oh fuck! There, right there." He moans as his eyes roll to the back of his head. Liam grunts and grabs at Niall's thigh, pushing it closer to his body until his knee almost touches his face. He knows Niall can handle the stretch, his mate being incredibly flexible.

"I'm so close, please... please." The omega begs as his whole body shudders. Liam leans down and presses his warm lips to his mark resting on the right side of Niall's neck. He grinds his hips, keeping his tip pressed to the sensitive mound inside Niall.

Just as Niall could feel his orgasm about to hit him, his stomach flips. He immediately covers his mouth and quickly slaps Liam on the shoulder. The alpha pauses at the sudden attack, confusion filling him when Niall pushes him away.

"Baby, are you okay?" He asks as he pulls out. Niall jumps off the bed and races to the connecting bathroom, falling to his knees. He grips onto the side of the toilet as he throws up into the porcelain bowl. Tears gather at the corner of his eyes, his throat burning painfully.

Liam quickly gets off the bed and shuffled into the bathroom, placing a hand at the base of Niall's back. "Honey, are you getting sick?" He asks, not expecting an answer as the boy keeps throwing up. He brushes Niall's sweaty hair from his forehead and presses kisses to his bare shoulder as his mate dry heaves.

"I'll schedule you an appointment with the doctor." Liam says once Niall has calmed down, his chest heaving. The brunette nods and sniffles, wiping the tears from his eyes. Liam kisses his temple before he gets up to go get his phone. Niall stands up once Liam leaves and starts to brush his teeth to get rid of the nasty taste in his mouth. All he wanted was some nice morning sex before he had to go into work.

"Here babe. Put these on, I don't want you to get sicker." Liam calls out as he tosses Niall a pair of sweats and a shirt, his phone pressed to his ear. Niall blows him a kiss and starts to get dress, sniffling again when his nose runs. He hopes it's nothing serious. He can't afford to get a stomach bug right now.


Zayn brushes some hair behind Niall's ear, cupping his cheek afterwards. "Do you want me to go in with you?" He asks him softly. He was about to drop Niall off to the doctor's before heading into work but he's worried about his mate. Niall shakes his head and smiles.

"No, I'll be fine. Don't be worried, okay? I'm sure I just have a little stomach virus or something. They just need to give me antibiotics." Niall reassures him before pressing a kiss to his cheek, not wanting him to get sick. Zayn sighs before nodding, pulling his omega into a hug.

"Call me or Liam if you need anything at all, alright? I love you so much."

"I love you too, babe."

Niall gets out the car and closes the door behind him, adjusting his coat. He shuffles towards the entrance of the hospital and walks through the spinning doors. He gets to the front desk and signs his name, getting a name tag in return.

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