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Your baby at 9 weeks!

Your new resident is nearly an inch long - about the size of a grape - and weighs just a fraction of an ounce. Your baby's starting to look more and more human. Their essential body parts are accounted for, though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning in the coming months. Your baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form - as do their tiny teeth. Your baby's organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks.


Louis was laying in bed scrolling through the pregnancy app Harry had convinced him to download. The alpha was laying next to him with his head resting on Louis' stomach, looking through his Instagram. Louis grabs a carrot off the plate next to his side and bites a piece off, chewing slowly with a thoughtful look. "Babe, it says I should be experiencing mood swings as a part of my symptoms. Have I been acting overly emotional recently?"

Harry hums in response and tilts his head up to look at Louis, his view upside down. "Well, you have been pretty sassy on Instagram recently. You said Niall looked like a bug and then you came to me and talked on about how he's such a good friend and that he's so handsome." He points out before looking back down, double tapping on Louis' latest picture.

"I don't think that's... unusual." Louis says in rebuttal, watching as Harry types a comment on his post. He clicks off the pregnancy app and taps on the colorful camera, liking Harry's comment before replying. The larger of the two shifts to grab a carrot from Louis' plate and bites into it, shrugging his shoulders.

"I mean, you never know. It could just be the hormones or it can just mean that you've always been emotionally unstable." Harry replies, letting out a surprised noise when Louis hits him on his shoulder. "What was that for?" He asks incredulously while pushing up on his arm to look at his pouting mate.

"You deserve it for calling me crazy!"

"I didn't say you were crazy, I just said you were emotionally unstable. Two very different things."

Louis pinches the side of Harry's neck making the alpha yelp.at the sting. He slaps Louis' hand away, pinning the small hand to the bed with his larger one. "Stop assaulting me, you psycho." Harry says with a soft laugh as he slides on top of Louis' body, not caring when he knocks the plate of carrots off the bed. Louis let's out a whine at the loss of his carrots before Harry distracts him with a quick kiss. "You're so rude." The omega mumbles as he wraps his arms around Harry's neck.

Soft lips press kisses down the length of his jawline as Harry moves a hand to grip Louis' thigh tightly, "Let me apologize then." He whispers against tan skin, rocking his hips down to pull a moan out of his boyfriend.

"You better apologize three times."


Harry yawns into his hand as he wraps his other arm around Louis' shoulders. "When do you get off today?" He asks after he blinks away the tears in his eyes, following Louis to his office. The brunette unlocks his office before pushing it open, moving to pull his sunglasses off.

"I'm pretty sure I get off at 7pm." He replies while hanging his coat on the hook connected to the door. Harry takes a seat on the couch, watching as Louis walks to his desk. "Would you like to go on a date tonight?" Harry questions while Louis settles in his chair, a hand on his stomach as he furrows his eyebrows. He doesn't feel too well and he hasn't since he got out of the car. "Louis, does that sound good?"

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