40 - Unlikely Friendships

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5 Months Later...

I waddled my way around the house. Thirty-five weeks pregnant and the baby was moving so much that I couldn't sleep anymore, despite it still being early. The pregnancy had progressed well, though the past weeks I was more exhausted than I had ever felt. Not only that, but I couldn't be in a comfortable position for too long because the baby would decide to dig his/her feet under my ribs.

We'd decided to not know the sex of the baby, though Alex was set on the idea that it was a boy. He'd even gone as far buying boy clothes even we didn't know for sure. I sighed, when a Braxton Hicks contraction appeared, just like they had been for the past weeks. 

"Are you okay?" Alex asked, hugging me from behind, his hand settling over my own on my belly. 

"Yes, just a bit uncomfortable." 

"Go back to bed, Eileen," he murmured. He was about to leave. Finals had arrived and he was much busier than usual.

I was going to refuse, but my feet were already swollen and I didn't actually feel like walking anymore. Luke and Alex were in charge of setting up the nursery, and, while perhaps Addie wasn't too happy that I was pregnant with her brother's baby, or our marriage for that matter, she had come to terms with the fact that the baby was going to be around. She had even bought little items, giving them to Alex without much to say. 

"Baby is moving a lot, right?" Alex asked, when he felt a little kick. I laughed, moving his hand over to where the baby had settled. As soon as his hand was there, our little kicker began moving again, aware that the touch belonged to his father. Alex chuckled, placing a kiss on my forehead. "So active."

I agreed, letting his hand settle on the small of my back as he helped me back upstairs. I had almost tripped once, now he insisted that someone always be with me when on the stairs. I didn't mind. Not being able to see your own feet comes with a price.

"You should go, you're going to be late." I told him while he fixed the pillows on the bed. He helped me lay back down and soon I was yawning.

"I'll leave the fruit as always in the fridge, okay?"

I teared up. He was always so sweet.

"No, don't lose your shit right now," he said with a soft voice. "You need rest, and I don't want you crying yourself to sleep."

He was right. I had been crying over everything, even commercials lately. Alex was very patient about it, while Luke... Well, Luke was Luke. He'd make a joke out of everything, but every time I lost it, he would end up hugging me. 

Alex held me close to him, whispering sweet words in my ear while we looked at the time. He seemed rather hesitant to leave and I didn't understand why. I didn't mind though. If it would have been up to me, he would stay in bed with me all day.

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