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I want you to notice,
I've been stayed here,
Which is my home,
Not anymore...
I had one record,
A full of moon shining through.
People have that feeling of lost.
I was there,
Which is place like my home.

I found myself looking at neighbour.
Door knocks,
Man covered in sweat.
I was there,
In your arms.
Which isn't anymore.
As if record.
Man covered in sweat.

Half opened window,
And his thoughts.

As if I am gramophone,
Turntable plate,
And his tone arm.

As if I am only one,
That song was,
My wildest thoughts.
A man covered in sweat.
Only one gramophone,
Turntable plate,
And his tone arm.
While only one song ringing,
As if whole world listening.

I am gramophone,
And you are my parts of it.
Turntable plate,
And his tone arm.
And our song,
Painful love story.

SENİN İÇİN / FOR YOUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin