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Mama told me "It will be alright.",
I thought it will end,
Now, I am afraid it won't,
It won't be happen, the sunset,
Won't be go down when I am alive.

I am afraid to choke in my tears.
I thought it will end,
Now, I am afraid it won't.
It won't be happen, fears,
Fears I have won't be dissappear when I am alive.

I pretend to be having some good times,
But you know what?
Life didn't hold my hands,
So I decided to be free as bird as.
I decided to bury my soul underground,
One is enough for a love mess.

I pretend to being myself,
I wish I could be in other life.
That day she saw me.
I was torn apart, where is my pride?
That bridge from that quiet lake,
I didn't mean to goodbye.

Mama told me "Close your eyes honey, it's time to sleep.",
I thought I will woke up,
Now, I am afraid I won't,
I won't be here for an regret,
I won't regret, you left sorrow on me.

You think so it's suicide,
But it is a good way to say bye.

Goodbye Mama,
Goodbye handsome boy,
Goodbye my friend,
Goodbye light,
Goodbye sun and moon,
Goodbye sea and sunrise,
Goodbye enormous colours of life.

Now, it's time to say a goodbye.

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