☼ | Video tape

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"Haha, Oh my God, you're so cute, (y/n)!" Shawn said after I showed up in the video.

We were watching our old video tape when we were a kid. Basically, we both were a neighbour when we were about 5 or maybe 7 years old. That's the time when we're getting really closer and become bestfriend.

As people said, "bestfriend" relationship between a girl and a boy will never last. Because it'll end up just the same, they're gonna fall in love together.
Well.. I do love Shawn—more than just a bestfriend. But I think he doesn't feel the same way, and I don't want to bother or ruin my relationship with Shawn as a bestfriend just because I wanted more.

It hurts so bad honestly, but what can I do?

"No, I looked like a potato," I said then roll my eyes, try to catch the old camera that Shawn hold to stop him for making fun of my old self.

"Let's watch the next tape," He's way too tall and quick, so I can't get the camera and he didn't let me grab the camera anyway. Shawn pressed the '>>' button and my heart suddenly stop beating. The camera showed that tape.

I still remember this tape was recorded by (y/f/n), this is when we were about 8 years old second grade ish, Shawn ask me to marry him with a candy ring. Even though it was only for joking and our not-controlled kid mind, still, that momment never fail to make my heart thumping.

"This is the tape when I asked you to marry me! C'mon, (y/n) this is gonna be fun," Shawn was so excited, but I'm not. Watching this only make me feel those heart-breaking feeling, knowing the fact that he does not in love with me.

I wish this momment will happen—again soon.

"When is this?" I ask pretend that I forgot, but I always do remember this momment.

"It's second grade," He answer, I smiled because he remember exactly when this happened and we both continue watching the tape.

"(y/n), I wanna ask you something," In that tape, little Shawn pulled me gently, and I laugh because his voice was so cute back then.

"Your voice was so cute!" I said with excited voice, he stare at me for a while then went leave a kiss on my cheek.

I blushed and freeze at my place, now he laugh so hard because of my face. I brush it off cause I think he's just being weirdly around me.

"Remember everytime I met you, I have to kiss your cheek?" I nod slowly as an answer.

"Okay, Shawn," Now we both laugh so hard because we listen to our voice, my voice was so innocent.

Shawn started to pulled out his candy ring and gave it to me, and I smiled in that tape, "Awh.. Thank you Shawn."

"Here we go," Shawn looked very nervous and he rub his hand on his forhead.

"(y/n)! Come back, I wanted to ask you something okay?" I laughed again becasue I ran after Shawn gave me the candy. But I came back because Shawn called me.

"What now muffin boy? By the way the candy is so sweet! Just like you," My jaw drop suddenly, I didn't remember that I said that to Shawn.

"Oh? Am I still sweet now?" Shawn smirked at me but I just respond it with rolling my eyes, he paused the video, "Answer me!" He said with yelling but cute voice.

"What?" I ask with annoyed tone, he laugh, "Seriously, am I still sweet now? Or cute? Funny?"

"Whatever you say, Shawn," I said rolling my eyes he laugh the continue the tape.

"(y/n), will you marry me?" After Shawn make sure his position were good, he asked me that question in the tape.

But my heart suddenly stopped, not because I experienced deja vu or whatever happened in that video, but Shawn repeated that sentence to me. And looked at me intensly.

I brush it off because I though he was just joking with me, "Shawn, if this is a prank I swear I'm gonna kill you."

He didn't answer but he force me to look at him back right in the eyes.

"Soon I'll ask that, but, seriously, I wanted to ask you something else," He pull my body to get closer with him, and I can't say anything because I'm too afraid.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He ask and bring out red roses—which I don't know where did he get that, my favorite.

"I got you this rose, and I need to know, will you let it die or let it grow?" I nod as an answer and hug him really tight.

I could feel he left kisses on my cheek a few times and hug me back tightly too.

"I love you, (y/n)," I pull myself from the hug and looked at him right in the eyes, I grab his face with my my both hand and press my lips against his.

25 dec 2017

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