Chapter 10: Annabeth

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Annabeth's POV

As soon as I saw the 'we'll discus this in private' message everything around me faded and I was transported to my mother's temple on Mount Olympus. Next to me was my mother, Athena, glaring down at me like I was the one enemy she could not beat. Which was crazy, I mean, I learned everything from her. She's my mom.

"So, hello mother." I started out, playing it safe.

"You are no child of mine." Athena said, just like when she had given me the coin to follow the Mark of Athena. I felt my eyes tearing up. I thought she was proud of me! I was the architect of Olympus! Defeater of Arachne, her arch enemy! I defeated Gaea, with help of course. I had made through Tartarus for Hades' sake! "Unless," Athena continued, "you break up with Poseidon's son."

I stared at her like she'd grown a second head. Break up? Break up? Break up with the one who fell into Tartarus with me? Break up with the one who loved me with all my flaws? "No!" I told my mother defiantly. "I am in love with Percy. Not that you know anything about love."

Athena's grey eyes flashed, I could basically see the hatred coursing through her veins. "Love! I know love! I am in love with Poseidon! You and your idiot boyfriend are getting in the way of him confessing his feelings for me!!"

My mind turned blank. The only time that happened was when I was mad. Really mad. Like when I was battling the Sphinx. Pure anger. When I saw Hera. Pure anger. When my mind turned blank, I didn't think about the consequences. I didn't think things through and I hate that about herself.

"Love! You're not in love!! You've been hit by a love arrow mom!! Snap out of it!" I screamed, not able to contain it anymore.

For a second, Athena's eyes softened. Then they hardened again. "How dare you question our relationship! You are not welcome here! I will never bless your relationship!! I swear it on the-"

"Mom stop!" I cried.

"Annabeth Chase! You stop right there! I love Poseidon. There is nothing you can do about it."

"And if I change your mind, if I can make you not love Poseidon, will you bless my relationship with Percy?" I asked.

"I swear it on the River Styx." Thunder rumbled. "Now go, be glad no harm came to you half-blood."

Then I was flashed back to Camp. I was back in my cabin. Seriously, this arrow thing needed to stop and if it stopped, Athena would bless Percy and I's relationship!

"How'd it go Annabeth?" Malcom asked me, writing on the SmartBoard.

"Not well. You know how mother is in love with Poseidon?"

"Ya, how did that happen anyway?" Malcom paused, "She seems so different now. I don't understand."

"Well I can change it back." I told him, not even bothering to tell him my plan.

"You're going on a quest Annabeth?" he asked astonished.

"No Malcom, just a little visit to a friend."

"Annabeth, that sounds more creepy than you think."

I laughed. "It'll only take me about," I calculated the time in my head. "About maybe 30 minutes to complete it. Give or take a few minutes."

"I never doubted you Annabeth," Malcom said. "but seriously that sounds near impossible. I saw her account on Facebook. Wait, is this a joke? I should get this! I'm a son of Athena."

Malcom got this look in his eye when he was determined to figure something out. He cleared the SmartBoard he was working on and started a new list called Ideas of Things Mom Could Be Possesed By. I walked out of the cabin and left Malcom to his list.

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