Chapter 14- Miracles Do Happen

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Leo's POV

Just as Zeus was about to strike me down, I heard a voice cry out.


It was Hera, Queen of the Gods.

"How dare you defy me?" Zeus boomed from his throne. It gave me the feeling that a thunderstorm had just started somewhere.

"I'm your equal! How many times do you have to look down on me?" Hera countered. "I'm fed up with it! I'm Queen of Olympus!" Even though she looked quite composed on the outside, everyone could tell there was a fire raging beneath the surface. A fire that was so dangerous, even my dad couldn't control it.

"The half-blood made a fool of m- of you! And why would you stick up for this piece of trash?!" Zeus glowered down at me. I could feel his anger, and fear started to spread through my body. It brought paralysis along with it and soon I wasn't able to move a single part of my body.

"Piece of trash?" Hephaestus called from his throne. Zeus turned and my body started to thaw. "Do not call my son a piece of trash." As heartwarming as it was to have my dad stick up for me, I was very woried about his future mental health.

"Says the one who was thrown out of the window because he was a piece of trash himself." Ares scoffed.

Hephaestus rose to get out of his seat, but then sat down. He looked like he was having an eternal debate. Finally he voiced his thoughts. "Really Aphrodite?" He looked at her with a glare as fire wove itself into his hair. "Just because you have the power to convince me to do things, doesn't mean you have to use it all the time!"

"Please Hephaestus. Focus on this matter." Aphrodite told him. Ares smirked in his throne and leaned back, sharpening a sword just to look cool. To be honest, I was over my terror limit right now so nothing, really, could make this worse. Even the god of war.

Ares looked down at me as if he sensed my thoughts. His eyes flashed red and I saw a bloody battlefield, corpses laying all around me. There goes my terror limit. Apparently it could get worse.

"Olympians!" Hera had risen from her throne."Let's take care of one matter at a time. This young half-blood has gone through tough times and-"

"And why should you care?" Zeus demanded, freezing me agian. "You're not his parent!"

"I am, to some point, his nanny." Hera replied coldly from above me.

"Tia Cladia" I whispered. I had said it quietly, but from the stares I got I'm pretty sure everyone heard it.

Apollo glanced at me, his eyes softening to some point. Then he looked back to his step-mom. "Cared for him so much for him, Lady Hera? Why did you give him knifes at such a young age? Why did you urge him to touch a rattle snake? Why did you leave him in the fireplace?"

"To strengthen him as a hero." Hera said simply as if she'd not put my life in danger, not once, but many of times. "Now I vouch for the boy. Anyone else with me?"

Several gods and goddesses stood up including my dad, Poseidon, Apollo, Demeter, and, surprisingly enough, Hades.

Zeus studied me. I could tell he didn't want to start another war, but also didn't want to look like a coward. Finally, he announced his choice: "The half-blood is on probation. Anything and everything he does will be monitored and one wrong move will ensure his doom. He will be on this probation for 1 month. All those in favor?"

I breathed for what felt like the first time since the meeting started as majority of the gods and goddesses raised their hands

"The half-blood may leave." Zeus stated as though I wasn't even here. "Go."

And, boom, I was back at Camp-Half Blood.


Leo Valdez has updated his status- Thank you Olympians!! Thank you so much!!!! I won't let you down!!!


Percy Jackson: I'm glad you're alive dude.

Hera: You better not.

Annabeth Chase: Leo, you better not mess up.

Hazel Levesque: #Leo'sAlive

Annabeth Chase: What the heck Hazel? We are on Facebook, not Twitter.

Hazel Levesque: People at Camp Jupiter are saying they are cool!

Hermes: I came up with it!!!

Hermes: #Hashtags4Lyfe

Annabeth Chase: #Typo

Percy Jackson: #LOLswag

Annabeth Chase: #SwagIsStupid

Hermes: Is not! I have swag!!! #YOLO

Annabeth Chase: You don't live once. You're immortal...

Percy Jackson: [Insert Connor's Comment Here]

Hermes: #IDC #IDoWhatIWantWhenIWantIt

Annabeth Chase: #HashtagsAren'tThatLong

Hermes: #:P

Piper McLean: Anyone else surprised Annabeth's the one in the hashtag war?

Frank Zhang: Yes: [X] No: [ ]

Jason Grace: Me too! That's cool Frank

Annabeth Chase: #INoLongerCareAboutLengthOfHashtagsAndHashtagsAreStupidIfYouAreNotOnTwitter,AlsoIWinTheHashtagWarSoHa! #:P

Hermes: No, I win!

Hermes: I mean: #NoIWin

Annabeth Chase: #TooLate

Hazel Levesque: I knew hashtags were cool. #AnnabethVSHermes #HashtagWar #CampJupiter #I#LOVE#HASHTAGS!!!!!!!!!#############


Updated a little late, but people. 4 days of full on basketball, come home, 36 holes of golf in two days. That was my week. Boom.

Hope you like it! (I would never kill Leo. I'm not heartless...)

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