{ Chapter FOUR }

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-Don’t worry love
Because all of this is not coincidence

       He stood up from his seat, towering her with his intense stare.. As times past by, Haera gather all her courage to lifts her right hand slowly tracing his face with her slender finger wondering if she's going crazy or he's really here standing infront of her.. He closed his eyes, leaning into her touch as her vision started to blur with tears.." J-Jungkook-ah? " She stuttered..

         It's been so long since she heard his voice. His angelic voice when he sings to her with an adoring smile on his face. She missed him so much that it hurts. She needs to hear his voice again. Jungkook blinks to her, called out her name on his sweet voice."Haera".He smiles, a single tear cascade down his cheeks..

          Haera couldn't believe her eyes. Her boyfriend survived and ALIVE from the accident.. She was so happy she goes speechless that they reunite once more after all those painful year. She just couldn't believe it until he explain the whole thing. Jungkook suddenly wrap his arm around her waist in a tight hug. Haera startled at first but eventually hugs him back, arm rest around his neck as she put her face on the crook of her boyfriend's neck..

           They were both crying in silence, missing each other present. " It's okay, I'm here now ". Jungkook reassure her while rubbing her back in a circular motion to calm her sobs. He sighs, placing his cheeks on her head while his right hand strokes her hair.. After a pregnant silence, Haera gently hits his chest repeatly.
            " How-how could you..Leaving me behind after all these year. I-I thought I lost YOU! Do you know how much I cry during the night worrying about you?! " She said looking right into his eyes, her eyes bloodshot and puffy from crying to much..

            He broke into a huge grin. That bunny teeth smile that look so cute on him. " Yah. You worried about me? " He teased. Haera breaks the hug and glare at him..      " OF COURSE YOU PABO! Why wouldn't I?! After hearing the news about that ACCIDENT A YEAR AGO and you want me to be OKAY WITH IT?! Second, how can YOU be SO OKAY WITH THIS HAPPEN TO YOU? Smiling and all that..." Haera mumble the last part as she huffed in anger while crossing her arm. " You better explain this JEON JUNGKOOK ". She continued.

            He sighs, looking up at the sky and back at her." Look, Haera I'm sorry allright? I didn't know this could happen ". He sits down as he pat down the empty space beside him so she could take a sit.. " I can't remember EVERYTHING on the way there..The last thing I remember a snow blizzard came crashing down at our plane. I closed my eyes trying to calm myself by thinking about you before everything went dark ". His eyebrow furrowed as he recall his worst memory..

            " I guess I was lucky. I survived in the plane crash! Crazy right? Yes, I was barely made it that time but luckily I save by one minute early or else there wouldn't be any chance left for me to live.. The doctor, Mr Justin said I was in a coma for almost half a year. After then, I was discharged from the hospital when I fully recovered.. It's weird walking around on a stranger's country but not until I found someone there at the park...Can you guess who? " He turns to her as she only shakes her head. He smiles before he answer " I met Tae-hyung "
            Haera widened her eyes in suprised.. " Tae? You met him there? In America? " Jungkook nod..That's odd..Haera suddenly remembers last year that Taehyung went to America after the accident. Seokjin said that he went there to be a model for a fashion magazine might as well a vacation. " Maybe it's a coincidence " She thought..


         " Tae, it's a plane crash. Usually only 5% of chance to survive in that kind of crash... Why don't you sit down and wait for any call? Maybe he- " Namjoon was cut off by Taehyung.."No! I can't just SIT HERE doing NOTHING! I care about him hyung. I need to see him for myself " Taehyung was packing his clothes into his luggage hurriedly..

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