{ Chapter TEN }

10 1 4

-You hide but only appear when you smile
Where did you come from?

Author's p.o.v 

       Jungkook paused for a while to think.. " I dont- I dont know hyung...What if - What if they scared of seeing me? " He said as his lips quivering like he was about to shed tears any minute..

         Taehyung sighs as he rubbed his temple a few times..

      " And why would you think that? Do you know that they're felt so lost and dull without his son? Can you imagine being a parents, suddenly a news about their son died in a PLANE CRASH came striking down to them like a thunder? Have you even see their reacting upon your death? Have you, Jungkook? "

       Jungkook went silent for a moment taking his hyung's words bit by bit while digging his bottom lips with his front teeth...His hyung does have a point...He's not stupid...Of course his parent will feel devastated knowing about his so called "death"...He also missed his parents....
        Even though he looks and acts manly, he still got his soft spot for his parents...Especially his mother..Jungkook smiled a bit at the thought of seeing them again...Telling them that he's fine and be there for them again..

          He suddenly remembers Haera...His lover..He always brings Haera to meet his parents whenever he have time to visit them in Busan since he himself lives in the city of Seoul together with his hyung, Taehyung in an apartment...He said to himself that he wanted to be independent and experience himself in an adulthood world..


           Never doubt about it, Jungkook's parents love Haera's presence ever since Jungkook introduce her to his parents...Until then, his mother apparently always took care of her like she was her own daughter...Mrs Jeon likes Haera's kind and cheerful personalities that lighten up the whole room if she ever comes to visit her...Sometimes she helps Mrs Jeon to clean the house, prepared ingredient to cook and other things...If Mrs Jeon doesnt have anything to do, she would just chill with Haera on the couch while looking through Jungkook's old picture...
           And ofcourse...Sometimes with Jungkook whining and babbling things like "Mom~Stop embarrasing me!" and "My face looks so ugly when I was a kid , stop laughing at my picture, I know Im ugly"...  And its all end up with Haera's laughing, pinching his fluffy cheeks..Cooing to him..  "Aww youre not ugly Jungkook! Youre adorable and handsome at the same time!" while Jungkook just sulk at her, pouting his lips but still pulls her into a hug anyways...


           Jungkook smiles at the thought of her...He feels a hot liquid flowing from his left eye as he tries his best to wipe it but fail as he keep remembering the scene the previous day where he saw Haera with another boy than him...And the only thought that comes from his mind was..
           ' Does she even love me still? '

            Taehyung stares at his dongsaeng, eyes fills with sorrow towards the other as he gently hands him some tissues for him to wipe the tears...He sighs at the sight before saying
           "Its okay if you dont want too...Im not forcing you but please, think about it okay? Dont be afraid to meet them..Im always be there for you...WE always be there for you...If you feel hesitated, you can always come back to me for a seek of advices from Tae's wisdom.."

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