{ Chapter TWO }

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- Before the dark night traps me in
Don’t leave me
Do you still love me? If you feel the same
Haera's p.o.v

             As I heard the flight name is the exact plane that Jungkook ride makes my heart stop beating for a while as I felt like the world came crashing down on me. Before I knew it, my knees became weak until I heard a faint of Minyoung's voice screaming my name as she cathes me before I fall to the ground completely...

              Even if I fall, I couldn't feel the pain because of all the numbness that I had in each and every part of my body.. My body turns cold suddenly and I didn't realized that I started to cry until Minyoung hugs me tight while wiping my tears away..My question now is..

               Why? Why did it have to be Jungkook's plane who crash? What kind of fate that she's facing right now? All Jungkook want to do is to achieve his goal of his lifetime and this happen to HIM?! WHY? JUST WHY???  No wonder Jungkook send that random message suddenly.. About the 'I love you' from Jungkook means....


               HE WAS SAYING GOODBYE

                I cried and cried, letting my tears fall like a never ending waterfall as Minyoung tries to comfort me by rubbing her hands on my arm and back.. But I can't calm down.. My body feels so numb right now and all I could think about it JEON JUNGKOOK..


🍃A week after the incident

Author's p.o.v

           Haera was cleaning the apartment while humming to a song..Yeah..Her heart still hadn't move on completely after the news..The words still ringing in her ears and the wound in her heart is still fresh.. But she choose to stay strong and not letting it affect her life since she remembers what Jungkook once said that
 " Worried about other people can make you unhealthy. Try to worry about yourself first then you can concern for the other "

     She smiled bitterly at the memory..Every single moment of Jungkook and her will kept forever in her mind..No matter what..A door bell ringing snapped her back into reality as she get up from the couch and walk towards the door.. She look through the door hole as she saw one of her highschool classmate.. Park Jihoon?

     What's he doing here? She said it in her mind before she relucantly open the door for him... Jihoon looks up from looking at his feet before he smiles shyly with a small " Hye Haera ".

      He rubbed the back of his neck.. Not wanting to be rude..She welcomes him into the apartment as he thanked her before he steps into the plank wooden floor...

       He quitely ask for my permission to sit on the couch as I let him before I went to make some tea in the kitchen..

Author's p.o.v

       " What are you doing here Jihoon? " Haera look at him in confusion as Jihoon was staring at her... " I just- I wanna make sure you okay- After the....incident..You know...Just checking up on you " Jihoon stammered while looking around the room nervously.

         Her breath hitched as Jihoon opened up the sensitive topic.. But, she can't back up...She have to stay strong..FOR JUNGKOOK..So just forced a smile on her face. "I'm just fine Jihoon. Why? Is something wrong? "

         Jihoon take a deep breath before he continue. "Haera...Have you even thought about....Moving on...From him?" He gives her a question that have many unspoken words lies within it... "What do you mean Jihoon?" She looked at him, blinking her eyes in shock..

          He sighs before facing towards her.. "You know...It's allready been a week. There isn't any news about him so I was just thinking that...You have to forget him eventually." She furrowed her eyebrows at his statement...Jihoon begin to stand up from his seat, heading towards the short drawer by the wall..He look at some of her picture frame ontop of it and there's also a picture with Haera and Jungkook in it..

          "You see Haera. Sometimes we had to forget all those memories to prevent yourself from hurting or worst...Depression.." He turns to look at her as he said the last part while holding on of her frame with Jungkook in it.. " And I wanted to help you Haera..Away from all those dull memories..I want to pull you out from the sadness. Don't pretend I don't know Haera..You're hurting yourself..Mentally..." His words brainwashed Haera as she thinks about it thoroughly...

         She walks towards Jihoon slowly, face still battling her inner struggle.. "You want to help me? From what? You don't know Jungkook is alive or not but I'm sure he's not..He's still there Jihoon and I can feel it.." Jihoon chuckles as she said it dismissively..

           "You just don't want to face this cruel reality you're facing right now isn't it? ". Jihoon's said with a gentle voice but the word he's using is like a venom struck into her heart. She scowls at him " You're WRONG! Jungkook STILL ALIVE I JUST KNEW IT! I can feel it Jihoon! You have no right to say that " She snatched the frame from his grasp adjusting it at the right place, her face red in anger.. How dare he?

         He chuckled behind her, as he turn to her back towering her completely.."You don't think that by being denial can make you feel better? You just trying to be denial because you know it's true."

- Don’t leave today
Don’t ask why it has to be you
Just stay with me -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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