{ Chapter ELEVEN }

14 1 7

-Maybe you felt guilty at my guess
I caught you off guard and you’re so out of it
>>Time skip

🕖8 : 00 p.m ( Is the shift that long? Lmao idk )
Haera p.o.v

             " Arghh! I'M EXHAUSTED! I feel like sleeping for 24 hours straight! Maybe I could hibernate or something...Aish what did I do in my life to deserve this " Minyoung the annoying squirrel keep on rambling about how tired she was after work like EVERY SINGLE DAY as she is sitting on the cafe counter..I'm used to it and reply to her complains by rolling my eyes..

            " Aish shut it! You're saying this for like...A BILLION TIMES ALREADY...Deal with it..Thats how we survive " I hit her on her arm as she whines painfully and dramatically...
" But I'm suprised that you still alive " I continued, mumbling to myself...

            " But- " Before she starts to complain once more I cut her off... "Rather than hearing your never ending complaining..Why dont we just close this beautiful cafe before a thief or something barge in just to shut your big mouth.." Minyoung's blinks a couple of times as she bit her lips to prevent from letting out anymore noises after hearing her threat...Boii I could be a dangerous woman living in the earth after Yoongi cause of my mouth spitting fire...We could be soulmates I tell ya dat...Y'all aint messing with us..

              After I safely locked the cafe door.. I heard that Minyoung let out a soft "ouh" behind me so I turn around causing my eyes to land on a figure infront of me.... JIHOON

               As our eyes met for a few seconds, Jihoon smiles as he tries to greet me while rubbing his nape..."Urmm Haera, can we talk? Please? Just for a while" He said looking up at me with a pleading eyes fill with hope that I wont reject him...

                 I sigh before nodding slowly looking up at him as his smiles grew bigger...I turn toward Minyoung who still looks lost.."You can go first Minyoung, I have something to do with Jihoon." I blurted out the words without thinking as her confused face turn into a knowing look and smirk.. "Okay guys! Have fun!" She said, waving at us before she walk off leaving the two of us..

                 Geez what's with her and her mind???She needs some help... Jihoon chuckled behind me so I turn around annoyed seeing that he tries to control his laugh by closing his mouth while looking innocently at me....As he stop laughing after he saw my death glare, he inhaled deeply through his nose and turn back serious...I raise an eyebrow at him as he looks nervous...

                 "Um...Sorry? " He said sheephishly..." Just a little talk...I promise...And after that you can decide to leave me or forget me or whatever so just- please?? " He look at me, eyes glistening with tears so I had to look away...It's too painful to see...

              "How about a dinner?? Its on me" He offered..Haera look at him suspiciously before nodding..."Sure, where to go? You lead the way "..

                 The two youngster then walk along the row of stores silently heading towards a restaurant...

Author p.o.v

                 Silence started to engulf around them as the place can only be heard with a sound of utensils hitting a plate continuesly while they're eating silently with some murmuring of people chatting in the distant...

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