{ Chapter FIVE }

18 1 4

- You’re showered by a shower of starlight
I’ve never seen such an entrancing expression

Author's p.o.v

        "Jungkook, as much as I want to spend time with you. Maybe we can tomorrow? I have to get back..It's getting late.." She says apologetically. " It's fine..I have to get back too. Tae-hyung will be worry sick about me. After that accident, he become so protective over me " He chuckles. "Does the other know about you? I'm sure they'll be so happy seeing you again." Jungkook smiles and nod his head.. "Ofcourse they know right after Tae-hyung brings me back here. Do you know what they did to me?" Haera looks at him questionally..

          " They BABIED ME! They feed me like I don't even know how to feed myself and when I'm going to sleep, they'll tuck me and sing me to sleep! Geez! I'm 23 FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE! " He whines..

             Haera laugh so much that tears when out from her eyes. She wipes her tears as she tries to calm herself from bursting out laughing again.. "Aww, that's cute you know? That means they care about you, you big bunny ". She strokes his fluffly hair as Jungkook groans. Suddenly, his phone's ringing in his pocket as he checks the name on the screen before he mouthed to Haera..
" It's Tae-hyung ..

Yah JEON JUNGKOOK! Eodiya?! You better not be far from the Seoul street cause I'm going to drag you butt here right now if you don't come home-

Aish..OKAY OKAY. Geez, calm down hyung..I'm not THAT far..Just a few blocks away. I'm at the park near your apartment.

Okay...You better get here quick okay? Are you alone Jungkook??


               He look over at Haera as she smiles..

I'm with Haera right now..

What?? Ohh..OKAY THEN. Haera take care of my bunny.. Oh by the way..Jin hyung is here and he's making dinner..

Wah..Really? Okay! I'll be there soon. Bye.

                After he hung up, he heard Haera's laughing. "Yah. Yah. What's so funny?" Jungkook said as he eyed her confused.. Instead of answering, she pinch both of his cheeks. "Aww~You really are a baby~ Look at how Tae worry about you like a mom~ ". She cooed at him while still squishing his cheeks. He pulls away from her hold. "I'm NOT A BABY! Stop calling me that Haera...Aish jinjja this girl". He mumbled as he rubs his sore cheeks..

                 Haera look at her watch before she sighs.. "It's getting late Jungkook. Maybe we should head back". He nod in agreement. "Yeah. I think we should. Let's go". He stands up, shoving his hands into his hoodie pocket..

                " Are you okay walking on your own? Cause..you know. I wouldn't mind giving you some company." He bit his lip, cheeks dusted in pink. Haera chukles as Jungkook looks so adorable. " Nah, I think I'm good. You go ahead, they'll probably worried sick about you. Besides, my place is not far from here either." He looks at her, hesitation shown in his eyes. "You sure?"..

               She hugs him, wrapping her arm around his neck while inhaling his natural scent. "I'm sure." Her voice muffled agaisnt his chest as Jungkook return her hug tightly one last time before they part away.


             As soon as she arrived at her apartment, she saw a figure walking away from her room. It was...Daniel? " Kang Daniel! " He look up and waves at her while smiling, showing his perfect row of teeth.. "Hey there Haera! What are you doing here?" He said while still smiling.What the heck is that question? She rolled her eyes playfully to him.. "I'm the one who should ask that question..What are YOU DOING HERE?" Her hands placed on her hips while raising an eyebrow..

            He rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh, I just drop by to send Minyoung here. Said she missed you and all, what about her boyfriend here?" Ignoring his whines, I ask him.. "Oh? She's here already? Okay. Thanks anyway.." He shrugs while acting like he's embarrased because of the compliment..Uh. It's just a simple thanks? "I'll see you next time! Bye bye! ". He waves at me before walking away..

I see you still like a picture.

At the end of the gaze -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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