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"Are you out of your mind?!" Taehyung howled at the guy as he entered and shut the door behind him.

"Had your little incest time yet?" Hoseok used his hands to portray the meet of the fingertips as he made awkward kissing sounds and broke into laughter, it greately provoked Taehyung as a red blush of humiliation spread on his face.

"Jung Hoseok. Know your limits." Taehyung scowled at him.

Hoseok got up from the bed and started walking towards Tae, he held his chin and tilted it up,"Limits are what I don't have baby." His voice deep and husky.

Taehyung wasn't sure how to react back, he felt awkward, embarrassed, angry and weird as Hoseok's face hovered near his own.

He quickly threw Hoseok's hands away from his chin and took a few steps backward trying to hide his nervousness, "why are you here?"

Hoseok grinned and started taking something out from his backpack. What is he doing? He took his notebook out and held it infront of Tae.

"Help me with the homework." Hoseok chuckled awkwardly.

"Why me?" Taehyung pouted. Hoseok rubbed his neck and grinned, "I knew I could blackmail you for the bike. And you got all of the answers right at today's test, so.."

Tae slapped his palms onto his face. He didn't have the slightest of idea that being good at studies could cost him his precious bike.

By this time, he already left hope of seeing his bike again, because he heard Hoseok's words clearly, he wanted to blackmail him.

"So are you helping me or not? I could sell the bike at good price if you don't though." Hoseok acted as if he was thinking to himself and rubbed his finger on his chin.

"You wouldn't do that." Tae said with a wry expression.

"And why is that so?" Hoseok asked in the same dry tone.

"You'd need that bike to blackmail me." Taehyung smiled sarcastically.

"Right. You know me so well." Hoseok smirked with a condescending look on his face, making Taehyung's nerves wreck in irritation. He just wanted to get rid of this troublesome guy. 

He asked him to show him his notebook with exasperation evident on his face.

His lips parted as he opened the notebook, he was amazed by the wicked creature's handwritting.

It was nothing compared to his own, it was beautiful and delicately cursive. How could a person like Hoseok write such amazingly? It surprised him to no extent.

He didn't mention it to him because he didn't want to further boost his already boosted ego. He just sat on the bed and asked him to sit on a chair, which he ignored and took a seat on the bed just beside him anyway.

Taehyung could catch the whiff of an elegant fragnance in the air which was supposedly coming from Hoseok. It wasn't displeasing or bad, instead it was pleasant. He was sniffing before he realised, to which he noticed a smirking Hoseok and immediately blushed, he looked away and coughed to break the awkwardness.

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"So where did you get stuck?" Taehyung calmly asked him.

"On you.." Hoseok muttered, Taehyung was startled, he looked at Hoseok with wide eyes, "On you know.. here." Hoseok promptly pointed towards a question without for once looking at Taehyung.

Tae sighed in relief and went to sit near the small floor desk he had. Hoseok soon followed him and sat on the opposite. Taehyung began solving the question.

"You have to split the middle term so the two of the factors are same. The next one's easy, do it yourself." Taehyung shifted the notebook over to Hoseok's side.

Hoseok took the notebook and peered at the question; with confused eyes, he scratched his head and pouted.

Taehyung couldn't hold his laughter back, the homework was just a revision from the very first chapter that must've been taught in class months ago, and seeing Hoseok struggling at even figuring it out seemed entertaining.

Before Tae could even try to hold his hand over his own mouth, he roared with laughter, trying to hold back the controversial tears.

"Tae." He groaned with his deep low voice, Tae's laughter did come under a little control but he still cackled. Hoseok growled "stop laughing I said."

Taehyung managed to shut up the laughter but he still kept giggling as he looked at Hoseok, who was gazing straight into his eyes.

"Fuck." Hoseok groaned as he held himself up from his seat by his arms and swiftly bent over the desk, leaning over as he crashed his lips against Taehyung's.

Taehyung's giggles dropped back into his throat, he sat there with his eyes widened as he realized what was happening. He abruptly jolted Hoseok away from him as he cupped his mouth with one hand and his whole face reddened like a tomato.

Hoseok just looked at him and with an amused smirk, he picked his notebook up. He stood up and gazed down at the still traumatized Tae.

"I told you yesterday, if you laughed at me once more, I'd take your amusement away." There was a self-satisfied smug on his face.

He winked, and left, leaving a gaping and frozen Taehyung inside.

Last updated: 20/11/18

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