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I started this book as a dull and dumb 'popstar vhope but in denial' and hasitly finished it in June-July. Spent countless hours in actually writing it but decided to reset and restart as an AU in August when I saw this book was actually getting attention o.o

But boo, lemme tell you, countless of times I have been insecure about this story, clueless about the plot, been miserable. But the only thing that had me continuing and trying my best was your continuous assurance and support 💜 yeah I'm a really insecure person so I need that ;-; and I am so so grateful for all your comments and enthusiasm. You are my motivation. :* 💜💜💜💜


"You-" Taehyung felt the anger brimming inside him, "You had no right to do that!" He was about to walk off to get to Hoseok. He wanted to explain himself to him. He never wanted the kiss, he just wanted to be with Hobi.

As he walked passed him, his wrist was suddenly caught by cold hands and pulled back, crashing against the guy's chest, "where do you think you're going?"

"None of your business" He hissed and tried to shake his hand off but his grip was too tight, he struggled to release his hand and hissed in between, "Let. Me. Go!"

"Tae, calm down." Jungkook said in his low calm voice but it had whatsoever no effect on the flustered guy.

"Let me go I said!" Taehyung frowned at him. Jungkook sighed, but instead of letting him go, he pulled him closer and tightly hugged him. Taehyung was surprised at first but the frown returned on his face as soon as he realized, he pushed the guy back, "Stop it!"

"Taehyung, if you go after him right now, you'll be losing all the chances of making him jealous and return to you."

"He could have gotten more jealous without that stupid kiss!" Taehyung shouted.

"No, it couldn't. Your act with me is getting through his thick skin, he saw the kiss, if we keep at it, he'll surely return to you." Jungkook said in a confident tone.

Taehyung bit his lip, deciding onto whether to whack the mannerless kid or play along with his act. He sighed and nodded, "Fine. Give me a little time." He said and walked off.

"Will 2 minutes be alright?" Jungkook shouted behind. Taehyung was nerve wrecked by Jungkook but he just gritted his teeth and remained calm.

"No, idiot! I. Need. Time. Don't bother me anymore for today at the least." Taehyung turned around to shout and turned his back at him again and started walking.

Stupid kid. He's so immature. He thinks kissing me will make Hoseok more jealous.. maybe holding hands and stuff would make him jealous.. but come to think of it.. if we kissed, then maybe Hoseok will feel annoyed and come back to me.. It might really work.

Taehyung thought to himself as he kept walking towards home. Maybe what I'm doing is not wrong..

He suddenly stopped at his steps when he noticed familiar voices around the corner of the alley he frequently used to walk through. He was still on the main road but he immediately stuck his side to the wall and peeked inside the alley. He gasped a little when he saw the sight of Hoseok and Yoongi.

"You have been acting kinda down nowadays. What is up with you?" Yoongi spoke.

"Uh nothing important." Hoseok smiled nervously.

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