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"Kim Taehyung, Jung Hoseok, both in the principal office once again." The principal Mr. Yang rubs the bridge of his nose, "I have come to know, more likeㅡ come across an extremely inconvenient video clip that signals towards rule breaking and-"

"Wait a second."

Taehyung turned his head to notice Yoongi walking in.

"Taehyung was the one to force him into the kiss."

"What?!" Taehyung gasped

"What-" Hoseok's eyes widened too as he mumbled. He was stopped by Yoongi glancing at him.

"Kim Taehyung has been forcing my friend Hoseok to date him, and subsequently forced him into the kiss."

"That- that's not true!"

"It is. Sir, you must believe me. He has been mentally torturing him-"

"Look who's saying!"

"What?" Yoongi frowned.

"Don't what me! You're the one who's manipulated him!" Taehyung shouted at him.

"Th-that's not related to this."

"It is."

"You-" Yoongi grunted, clenching his fists on vexation, "Shut up!"

"Shhhh," Mr. Yang shushes them while waving both of his hands in the air, eyebrows knitted closely and an upset expression, "Calm down. This is an office, not your playground!"

Yoongi teared his glare away from Taehyung and faced the principal, repositioned himself as he crossed his arms and titlted his head, tapping his foot. Taehyung turned to the principal too, expecting him to speak.

The principal calmed down and glanced at Taehyung, "I see you have a bruise there," he gestures to the corner of his lips, Taehyung nods slightly, admitting the presence of the wound.

"So now you get into fights as well?" The principal sighed, "Mr.Kim, I didn't expect you to be like this."

"But sir-"

"Don't. You have been forcing another boy student- do you realize how inappropriate that is?" Mr.Yang shook his head in disgust and disapproval.

Taehyung opened his mouth to say something but his jumbled up words fell right back in his throat, he bit his lip, trying to calm himself down. He squeezed his eyes shut and let out a big sigh before an annoyed expression smeared on his face, he turned towards Yoongi and yelled at him, "Are you still going to lie?! Stop it! You-"

Yoongi began shouting back, pointing his index aggressively at Tae while his voice begins dominating the room, "You can't change the fact that you've been forcing him into illicit acts, you've been forcing him to stay with you, to kiss you, to-"

"Yah! Yoongi-hyung! I didn't expect you'd be such a bad liar." Someone whined from behind and the footsteps soon got louder, Taehyung realized someone on his side, "Jungkook?"

"TaeTae," Jungkook's happy face greeted Tae, "I'm here to save you!" He threw his hands around Tae's shoulders, the older broke away from his grip and cringed, "Can you not?"

"Sorry." Jungkook stuck his tongue out and giggled mischieviously. He turned towards the principal, his face immediately transitioning into a grim look."Sir, the accusations were completely false. I was present that night and I had witnessed Hoseok occassionally forcing Taehyung, and even inappropriately touching him without consent."

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