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Taehyung wiped the tear which made way out of his eye and after a few minutes of complete silence, he decided to go back home.

He knew that he can't keep standing there for eternity, he has to face the world, and not like he commited a crime. Did he?

He thought his phone would help him, he could just open the maps and find his way back, except that the battery ran out. He kept walking towards the exit, while the anxiety consumed the whole of him. He was scared, what if he can't return home? He facepalmed while walking, and suddenly a voice shouts his name, almost deafening him.

He gasped and looked towards the voice with wide eyes, it was Hoseok. The guy just stood there tapping his foot with his arms crossed and a bored look.

"I didn't know if you know the route back home, so I couldn't just leave you alone" He sighed and straightened his lips.

An involuntary smile appeared on Tae's face, he was somewhat subconsciously happy and contended that he wasn't completely hated by that guy, and that Hoseok did think about him. He thought he was left alone, but he was not, Hoseok waited for him. As soon as he realized that he was smiling, he shook the smile off and cleared his throat.

Hoseok ignored his behaviour and started walking. "Wait for me!" Tae called out behind him but he didn't stop.
He tried to keep up with the pace but it was hard, so he just walked behind him silently. Taehyung noticed the guy's frame, he looked pretty from behind too. He gulped, feeling self-conscious.

He looks thousand times better than me. He pouts and looks down while walking, but then it suddenly hits his mind that his sister and Hoseok have spent around 2 hours on their own.
What did they do?! Did he seduce her?! 

He wanted to ask him about it, but he didn't want to be shouted at, especially after annoying him earlier. He was somewhat regretting yelling at him earlier. It wasn't really Hoseok's fault.. No..No.. I shouldn't think that.. it should be his fault that he kissed me! But does he even think about the kisses anymore? Maybe he just let it all go.. then it's just my fault for letting myself be bothered.. Tae felt things were wrong with him, not Hoseok. That guy didn't leave him alone in the park and waited for him, and it somewhat changed Tae's impression about Hoseok. Maybe he isn't as bad as I took him to be.. I should probably apologize..

He wanted to speak out and apologize, but his voice would get stuck everytime he tried to open his mouth and talk. They got on the bus, Tae took a seat near the window and expected Hoseok to sit beside him so he'd be able to talk to him and apologize, but instead the guy took a seat on the opposite side, completely dismissing any means of communication for the rest of the route.

As they reached their destination, they got off the bus. Tae just stood there with nervousness bustling inside him, Will he just go away? Will he talk? Maybe I should talk?

"Let's go." Hoseok started walking without waiting for him, his hands inside his pockets. Taehyung just sighed in disappointment and walked behind him, it was already late and the sun had already set. Darkness already spreading and the street lights lit up. Their pathway was empty, and he could only hear the sounds of their footsteps and distant sound of the crows. It further made his heart beat faster, he could feel the rush of anxiety in his insides as his heart rang in his ears.

Why is he avoiding me? Isn't this the perfect chance to kiss me? Wait.. what?! What am I even thinking?! Oh god.. I shouldn't think that..stop.. no.. that wasn't what I meant to think about.. I was just thinking why he didn't take advantage and try to bully me.. right.. right..

I should probably talk to him.. we haven't properly talked the whole day..but what should I say? 'How're you?' No.. that doesn't suit the awkward silence.. 'Are you okay?' Well.. would he just yell back? Maybe I should ask him about his day?

He breathed deeply and opened his mouth to speak, "How-" He was interrupted as the guy infront suddenly stopped walking, and Tae  walked into him, "Sorry.." Tae brushed his nape in awkwardness.

Hoseok turned himself around halfway and said, "Go."

Taehyung was confused, Is he asking me to go away? Does he dislike me to this extent now? He was somewhat pierced by his word, he just whimpered out a "What.." as his chest tightened in sadness.

"We've reached your home." Hoseok said turning around fully, "Go in."

"Oh.." Tae breathed out, relief spreading through him. He looked closely to see that they really are infront of his home, he didn't realize that he was so consumed in his thoughts that he didn't have a slight idea about his surroundings and time.

Taehyung was a little nervous, he wasn't sure what he should do, conflicted between if he should leave without saying anything or say something, and what he should say.

He looked at Hoseok's face clearly, for the first time in a few weeks, his eyes that looked back at him, his rosy lips that weren't smirking for the time being, his cheeks, his silky hair, why am I even looking at him, he tried to shake his thoughts off and bowed down nervously, a complete 90 degree bow which was involuntary.

"Th-Thank you for taking me back home." He stuttered and stood up, not daring to look at his face again.

"You owe me." Hoseok grinned, "Bye."

Right. For moments, I forgot he's still the jerk he was.

Taehyung was dissing him in his thoughts, but he still felt too embarrassed to look him in the eye.
Maybe I was wrong to think he is nice. But maybe he'll just ask me to do something dirty? Maybe he'll ask me to kiss him? No!! Tae!! Stop thinking!!!!! What's wrong with me?!

"Yeah. Bye." Taehyung kept looking down, trying hard to hide the blush which was spreading over his face and his frantic breathing.

He heard the footsteps that started fading as Hoseok walked away, he looked up to see the guy going, Maybe he doesn't want to bully me anymore.. He sighed and walked in his home.

Mei didn't seem to be back home yet. He put his phone to charge and laid on the bed as he breathed out in relief. After a while, he switched his phone on and noticed a text message.

I'm going to stay over at Minna's.


Thanks for nothing 😡

Taehyung just groaned and facepalmed, Now even my sister hates me.. I shouldn't have started dating her in the first place.. it's my fault.. I need to apologize to Minna on monday.

Hoseok was right, I accepted someone I barely knew.. maybe that's why he was surprised when I said yes to her.. and maybe that's the reason he is angry with me? Will he talk with me if I apologize? I haven't seen him smirk deviously in weeks..or smelled him.
Oh god I think something's wrong with my thoughts..I'm a pervert for thinking about his smell.. maybe I'm just overthinking. I should sleep.

He buries his face in his pillow, he was too full from all the food Minna offered earlier, he just went to sleep without taking his clothes off. At least I won't be thinking about him when I sleep..

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