Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

I didn't switch on the lights in Crystal's home as I sat waiting for her to return from work. Fall had started and the weather outside was turning chilly, the winds growing cold and the darkness enveloping the evening faster than usual. I had a lot of time to think things through. Initially, I was very angry at Crystal, for all the turmoil she put me through, the sleepless nights, the jealousy, and the constant frustration I had for the past few weeks.

As my temper started to cool down with time, I started to think of a reason why she did it? This arose questions which squeezed my heart and gave me a very uneasy feeling. Did she do it so I could break up with her? Didn't she love me? Was I pushing her too much for the wedding? Was I being too demanding? From my point of view, I thought I was being reasonable. When we were living together, and had confessed our love and were planning our future, I don't see any reason not to legalize our commitment. Was I wrong to think so?

My head was heated with all the questions running through it. I groaned as I closed my eyes and laid my head on the couch headrest. I was tired and exhausted mentally and emotionally. The thought of Crystal not loving me, or lying about it, clenched my heart. I didn't want to go there. I had to make her realize how much she means to me, and that what she feels for me is love.  But first I had to know why?

The sound of the garage opening woke me up. I sat up disoriented rubbing my eyes, I could feel the start of a headache, and I groaned. I needed sleep. A peaceful one, in Crystal's arms. Crystal. I had to confront her first.

The door connecting the garage and the kitchen opened and Crystal walked in carrying bags of groceries in both hands and her head was supporting the phone on her shoulder as she spoke into it. She placed everything on the counter and continued to talk leaning against it. She hadn't switched on the light yet, and so hadn't seen me. I shuffled and moved to sit in a more comfortable way, waiting for her to finish her conversation and hang up.

Crystal Brown.

" Brett should be coming home tomorrow, I think mom. " I spoke into the phone as I struggled to get all the groceries out and walk into the kitchen.

I placed the bags on the counter, and leaned against it, to catch a breather and finish my conversation with my mom. I just hummed a yes to what she was saying, not really paying attention to the conversation. My mind wandered to Brett. He hadn't called me yet to let me know he was coming back home. It had been a few days since he left and I was missing him like crazy. I sighed thinking about spending the evening alone again.

"Are you there?" My mom barked into the phone.

"Sorry I was lost in thought. Did you say something?" I asked

She sighed "Let's talk again when you can give me your undivided attention," she said

"Sorry mom, I am really tired and I just reached home. Can I catch up with you in a few days?" I apologized feeling guilty.

"No need to be sorry. I will talk to you later. Bye honey" She said hanging up.

I placed the phone on the counter and switched on the lights in the kitchen. I got busy putting all the stuff from the grocery bags into the cupboards, that I didn't notice the hunched figure on the couch. Someone clearing their throat had me dropping the pasta packets from my hand and clutching my chest from the sudden sound. I turned around to see Brett on the couch.

"You scared me," I said taking deep breathes to calm my racing heart.

"When did you come? why are you sitting in the dark? You didn't call to let me know? " I rambled on as I walked into the living room to switch on the lights.

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