Chapter 43

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Brett Dicamillo

I was so glad the wait was over. A few days after I walked out of Cris's home, my anger disappeared and I wanted to go back running into her arms. But I knew I had to wait for her to make the first move. After our argument that day, I wasn't sure, if she loved me anymore, or if she wanted me. I know how stubborn she could be, and was not expecting her anytime soon.

I felt so empty and hollow, and I was growing anxious as the days passed without a word from her. I threw myself into my work, growing frustrated and angry. I snapped at my staff for smallest of the small issues. Everyone at work was walking on eggshells around me, Cole stopped visiting me at work and stuck to emails after I blew my fuse regarding a delay in production.

It was then that I met Scarlet on a flight to New York, we got talking, and she got interested in investing in my company. We had met a few times after that on business. Being in limelight, she attracted a lot of media attention. But I hadn't expected to have our faces plastered all over internet suggesting an affair. I was very honest with Scarlet about Cris. I wanted her to release a statement that there wasn't anything personal between us. But then Scarlet suggested, that maybe jealousy would get me my Cris back.

So, I didn't object when Scarlet wanted me to accompany her to some events and wanted to meet more often than necessary to discuss business. I waited and waited for Cris to show up, but she took her own sweet time. I was getting impatient and angrier at her as the days passed.

But one look at her and all my worries in the world disappeared. It felt heavenly, to feel her in my arms again.I shouldn't have enjoyed it, but it felt good looking at her get all nervous to talk and trying to grasp if I still loved her. She was so cute. I hated that I had to wait another day to see her and feel her again. I suspect something was amiss.

With the winter setting in, it was getting dark early in the evening, it was only close to 4pm but the sun was already setting. I saw more cars than usual, parked on her street, as I drove up to her house and parked in the driveway. I was so excited to hold, feel and touch her again. The anticipation was like foreplay, and I could feel myself getting hard, thinking of her naked and waiting.

I let my self in with the key I had, calling out to her as I entered. It was dark except for the candles lighting the place, giving it a warm glow. I looked down to see rose petals, placed like a path on the floor, with candles, lighting the way. I followed it into the family room, which looked so alluring.

There in the center of the room, in the glow of the candles, stood my Sunshine, in a gorgeous red gown. She looked divine, so beautiful, glorious and simply ravishing. Her big brown eyes looked at me, with so much love, it hit me with a hard force.

"Sunshine......" I couldn't talk

"Hey Brett....." she said gesturing with her hands, asking me to come closer.

I moved closer and stopped a few feet facing her. Then....... Then, she went down on her knees, making me gasp in surprise. She was proposing.

"Brett..... words don't begin to say, what I feel for you or what you mean to me. You came into my life when I had given up hope on finding love again. Even though I was stubborn and kept pushing you away, you relentlessly, stayed and proved at every turn how much you love me. I should have known then how lucky I was to have you, instead I was stupid enough to test your love for me. Even after that, you forgave me so easily. Brett, you are the rock that is holding me steady. You call me sunshine, when in fact you are the light in the darkness I was living in. You are my every pulse, my every heartbeat and my every breath. You are why I wake up in the morning and you are why I want to live. I love you with all that is in me. You are my second Chance...... Today I am asking you...... Will you marry me?" Hey eyes, tear up, as she waited for everything she said to sink into me.

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