Chapter 22

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I felt like I was stranded an on island in the middle of the ocean, in my marriage. There was no where for me to go. Gale, was not willing to sit down and talk to me, and I was fighting with myself on not giving up on this marriage. It had been weeks since we had a proper conversation. Gale was being stubborn, that I had to apologize for my behavior at his parents house, weeks ago. I stopped going to his parents place for Sunday dinner, after his mom made a fuss, that I was not welcome there without apologizing to Gale.

I was too proud to say sorry and resolve this thing. I mean, if I submitted now, it means I was accepting my mistake. I didn't do anything wrong, and so I refused to apologize. It was getting frustrating, and I hated the way we were becoming.

He started spending more and more time with his parents and Eleanor. He went at least 3-4 times in a week to his parents for dinner and invited Eleanor to accompany him. In the beginning, I thought he was doing it to make me angry, and jealous, but as the days passed, what nagged me was that I wasn't feeling jealous. I wasn't feeling anything, nor anger or jealousy. I didn't like that,. That feeling of nothing towards him. My heart didn't skip a beat when I looked at him nor did I miss him.

I was holding on to a thin thread of patience for this marriage, I was scared, of letting it go, divorce was something I never thought about. Deep in my heart, I knew that I was trying to hold on to this marriage for all the wrong reasons. I had never failed in anything  before in my life, so giving up on this, would be my first failure, which I was not ready to accept.

 I spoke to my parents about it, my dad being a father, asked me to just move back in with them, he couldn't see me stressful like this. My mom was pushing me to work it out and I was stuck in between, not able to decide.

Gale had gone on a business meeting to New York for a week. It was Friday morning, and we hadn't spoken to each other the whole week. I did send a few messages to him, but never got a reply. After not seeing him for so long, and the silence between us, was killing me, so I cowardly, accepted defeat, and decided to apologize to him and bring things back to normal.

That Friday morning, Gale called me to let me know, that there was a fund raiser, that night, and I had to attend it. I wasn't very comfortable, going to such events without him, and stated so, he insisted, that his parents would accompany me, and will pick me from our place at 7.30pm.

I reluctantly agreed to it, and also mentioned, that we had to talk. He hesitated a bit, but then agreed that we needed to talk.

That evening, The Williams were there on time to pick me . I was dressed in a cocktail attire, and surprisingly, Helen also complimented me, on my attire. I was meeting them almost after a month, and I was shocked at their good behavior. But I didn't realize, that this was the silence before the storm.

I didn't know many people there, but got myself a drink and tried to mingle. I spotted Thomas, and felt relieved to see a familiar face. The fund raiser had started, and weirdly, I was placed on a table with Thomas, and Gales parents were on a different table. Dinner was served, and the program continued, and I was glad to have Thomas beside me.

After the whole program was done, they had opened the dance floor with the DJ playing the music and the lights dimmed out. It was late, and I was tired, and so decided to find Edward and Helen, to see if they wanted to go home. I looked around, and searched for them, but couldn't find them, so I called Edward.

"Hey Edward, I am by the entrance, and ready to leave when you guys are" I said. It was raining heavily, and there was lightening. I hated such weather, and just wanted to get home.

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