Chapter Twenty Nine || Kendall's POV

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Chapter Twenty Nine || Kendall's POV

Published: 23rd of May 23, 2014

 ***A/N FINALLY I’m updating! It’s been over four months and I am so sorry for leaving all of you amazing, patient people without an update. Thanks for sticking around. I’ve received so many lovely comments and some of you will be getting dedications for your awesome feedback. It will take me a little while to get back into the story after having such a long break, so don’t be too harsh with your reviews :P I hope you enjoy this new chapter! If you feel like there’s parts of the story I’m not following up on and you’d like to see them resolved, message me or comment (I’m more likely to read messages)***


So much is changing in such a short time! For one, Maddie has started going out with Nick. They’re the talk of the school, mostly because she’s so much younger than him and there’s rumours about Nick being a player. All of us have tried to warn Maddie, but she won’t listen. She hangs out with Nick’s older friends now, and I think she really feels like she’s found somewhere she really belongs. I’m happy for her, but I’m not entirely sure it’s going to last.

Chloe, Paige and Autumn are still being incredibly sweet to me. It's hard to believe, but I think they actually want me as their friend. Someone like me, who's not blonde and skinny and perfect, who doesn't know anything about fashion, who isn't good enough to get solos... who's fat... STOP. Chloe and Autumn have told me that they don't want me saying stuff like that anymore. But it doesn't stop me from thinking it. I've been getting 'better', according to Miss Kristina and the girls. That's what they call it. I eat now- I never skip meals and I keep a healthy diet. But sometimes it seems to me like I'm a robot, just doing what everyone else wants me to do. All my thoughts and opinions get pushed to the side.

I finish my private and go through to the changing room. It’s full of older girls getting ready for a group session. I take my bag and go into one of the shower cubicles so I don't have to change with them, but I can still hear everything they're saying.

Amber Mae is a former cheerleader. She's the kind of girl everyone would be terrified of at a normal high school, and she makes an impression here too. She's tall, blonde, cool, and has all the boys in the school under her thumb. She also has a huge following of girls, who follow her every move and copy her hairstyles and her clothes. Personally I'd rather be an individual than have a group of clones hanging onto my every word, but Amber Mae doesn't seem to have a problem with it. She's chief rumour starter in the school too; if you want dirt on someone, you go to her. She's playing up to her audience now. I can hear her through the door.

She's talking about Maddie and Nick.

"That girl annoys me so much. She thinks just cause she's dating him she's all mature, but she's totally not. She's so thin and short as well. She doesn't fit in with Nick's gang."

The others murmur their agreement.

"As for her other friends..." This is when I really start listening. "... I understand why she wanted to get away from them! They're all so boring. They think they're such great dancers just because they were with Abby Lee, but they're wrong. Right, Amanda?"

"So true," Amanda giggles. I feel sick.

"Those blonde ones are okay. What are their names...? Paige, Chloe and Summer?"

"Autumn," one of her followers pipes up.

"Yeah, that's what I meant. They're super pretty, I've got to say, and pretty awesome dancers. Autumn's got a lot of sass. I bet they could fit in with our group. What do you think?"

"They're way too young!" Amanda protests. There's a moment of silence.

"True," Amber Mae decides. "Also..."

"Also what?"

I'm waiting for her answer too, the sick feeling in my stomach getting more persistent. It almost feels like stage fright. Because I think I know what she's going to say.

"There's that chubby brunette girl that follows them around like a lost puppy. She's SO sad. Can't she see that they're totally fed up of her? I bet they only let her hang around with them because they feel sorry for her."

I put my hand over my mouth and force myself to breathe deeply, and in that moment, I realise it's true. Everything she's just said. I'm just dragging them down. Why would three blonde supermodels like Autumn, Chloe and Paige want someone like me hanging out with them?

I look at the ground to stop the tears from falling, but all I see are my legs in their bright coloured leggings. What was I thinking when I put them on?! They mean that people will automatically look at my legs. My short, fat legs.

Tears swim in my eyes and I unlock the changing room door and run. I know they're all seen me, but I don't care.

I can't do this anymore. I'm skipping lunch.


© 2014 MattieButterfly

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