I Was There, Hermione

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The following weeks were hell. We moved constantly. We moved so much I began to lose track of where we were at times. We took turns wearing the locket to prevent anyone else from taking it, finding it, etc. However, we found the locket did something to your emotions. It channeled your deepest desires, most terrible thoughts, and it twisted reality. I didn't think it was too terrible until one day while Ron was wearing the locket...he snapped.

"Go then!" Harry shouted at Ron.

"Fine." Ron said, ripping the Horcrux off of his neck. He stormed to the tent exit, stopped, then turned to me, "You. Are you coming or are you staying?!"

"Ron." I whispered.
I can't possibly leave Harry. We agreed we were in this together.

"Are you coming or not?!" He asked again.

Tears welled in my eyes, "N-No. I'm not. I'm staying."
I couldn't do it. I knew what I signed up for from the beginning, I couldn't abandon him.

"I see where you stand." He nodded, angrily.

"You're delusional, Ron!" I exclaimed, "Don't leave! It's the Horcrux!"

Ron took a disgusted look at me before he dashed outside, not looking once behind him.

"Ron! Ron!" I called after him. I followed him outside, but he was no where in sight.
I walked slowly back into the tent, my head hanging low.
"He's gone. He's actually gone." I cried.

"Hermione, I'm sorry." Harry said, sympathetically.

"It was the Horcrux , it wasn't your fault." I assured him, "He didn't know what he was saying."
Although true, I couldn't help but feel a little angry with Harry. It was selfish of me to be angry, but I was. Ron and I were making amends, I was possibly even catching feelings.

The room fell silent for quite some time. Harry and I stood there awkwardly, not looking at one another.
"I think we need some rest." I finally said, storming off to bed.
Then, I crawled into bed and cried myself to sleep.

The next day was awful. I was wearing the locket all day, so Ron's disappearance was weighing heavily on my heart. Then at the worst possible moment while listening to the radio, a song came on. It was not just any song. It was the song Draco and I danced to at Cedric's ball.

I wondered how he was doing. He must be having a terrible time. Even worse of a time than I am.
I miss him. I miss Draco.
My thoughts drifted to our first kiss. The way his lips felt on mine, he way he took complete control over me.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Harry making his way over to me. I sat with my knees against my chest, with my chin placed in my arms. Without saying a word, Harry held out his hand to me. I looked to him, then sighed heavily, taking it. After helping me stand, he looked at me deep in the eyes, reached for the Horcrux around my neck, and took it off.
I nearly forgot that I had it on.

He pulled me out into the center of the room, and started to swing me to the beat of the music. At first I thought it was ridiculous. I wasn't in the mood for this nonsense. My emotions stayed fixed on being upset, but then Harry started to make me laugh with his terrible dance moves, and the feeling of happiness took over my body.
Harry spun me around, showed off more of his awful dance moves, and made funny faces at me. I giggled and then I even started to spin him around! We were having a blast! Our laughter filled the air as he pulled me into him, rocking back and forth to the music. Our laughter slowed as well as our dancing, and that sad feeling came back over me.

When the music stopped, we untangled from each other. Harry looked at me deep in the eyes, searching for a shred of happiness.


He then took me to the table and sat me down, "I need to ask you something."
Harry sat across from me, looking at me with intense eyes.

What's this about?
"Ask me then." I told him, waiting patiently.

Harry drew in a breath, "How long have you been in love with Draco Malfoy?"

My heart stopped in that moment. I had never expected Harry to ask me such a question, nor have him find out about my relationship with his sworn enemy.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I lied.

"I was there, Hermione." He admitted, "I was there the night you tried to stop him in the Astronomy Tower. You can't lie to me. I heard everything."

That night started to replay in my mind....
"Leave. Leave Hogwarts, leave the country. It's about to get terrible around here. Leave me... because I'm leaving you." He told me.

"I don't want to leave you!" I remember exclaiming, "You think it's just going to be that easy?! You're going to break up with me and then that's it?! I'm not giving up on you, you're not evil! I know you...this isn't you."

Draco took my face in his free hand, "Maybe in five years we'll cross paths again. I'll tell you how desperately in love I was with you....and we can laugh about how we broke each other's hearts."

I snapped back to reality, looking at Harry with fresh tears in my eyes.
He knew all this time, and he didn't say a word?
"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked him.

"I was waiting for you to tell me." He admitted, "I'm not judging you, Mione. Seeing the two of you up there was heart breaking because I knew that you loved him...and he loved you."

I nodded as he spoke, wiping the tears streaming down my face.
"Yeah I loved him." I said, "I didn't want to fall for him, but he just made it so easy."
There was a pause in conversation as I tried to compose myself.
"He was at the wedding." I admitted to him, "He took me aside and told me the Death Eaters we're coming. He told me to get you and Ron. He's not a bad guy, he's just someone caught in a bad situation. He didn't ask for his life to be like this."

"I know that now." Harry nodded, "Did he treat you well?"

"Extremely." I smiled weakly, "But none of that matters now. He's a Death Eater, he's fighting against us. He's on the wrong side."

Harry took my hand gently, "It's not his choice, remember?"

Harry was right. I fail to remember that Draco has no choice.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"Don't be sorry." Harry assured me, "When this is all over...I think you should go to him."

I thought hard at his comment.
Does he want me? Do I want him?
Of course I wanted him. I love him.
"I think I might just do that."

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