The Trial

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It had been three days since Draco and Mr. Weasley went to the Ministry. I was starting to get anxious and nervous.
Mr. Weasley wouldn't lie to us, right? No...he wouldn't do that...
What's taking them so long?

"Oh, wipe that nervous look off your face." Ginny said, snapping me out of my trance.

"I can't help it, Gin. It's been three days. How much longer can they take?" I groaned.

"I'm sure it take a while to organize the trial. Not to mention evidence and witnesses." She shrugged, "I must say, I envy you. Your love life is starting to fall into place."

"And where is your love life?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

Ginny glared at me from over her book, "You know what it's like."

"Oh come on, Gin." I rolled my eyes, "Clearly you two still have feelings. Don't you think it's time to...reconnect?"

Ginny shrugged her shoulders trying to ignore the thought, "I dunno."

"It's almost been seven months." I pointed out.

"And I'm not the one who wanted to break things off." She finally admitted, "It's not my decision."

I was under the impression that it was a mutual decision. Could you blame Harry, though? He watched his friends die for him. He needed the time to heal. Ginny did too, she knows that.
"I'm sorry. I struck a nerve."

Ginny sighed and relaxed a bit, "I'm sorry, Mione. I can get defensive. I love Harry, but if he's still not ready then I respect that."

"He's gotten much better." I said, "You could always ...flirt."

Ginny bit her cheeks, "I suppose..."
She then perked up in her seat, "Wait a damn minute."


Ginny smirked towards me, "You never told me what happened at Harry's."

I immediately felt my cheeks turn pink, "What do you mean?"

"I and Mr. Malfoy." She giggled, "You two shared a room, didn't you?"

Stop stuttering!

"Oh this ought to be good!" She exclaimed, practically throwing her book, "Go on."

"Ginny! That's a nice book. Don't throw it!"
That girl doesn't know fine book binding, I swear.
"Well. We caught up."

"In bed!"

"Ginny!" I exclaimed, hitting her arm. "We didn't do anything."

"Sure you didn't." She smirked, "I'm sure he slithered in." She joked, throwing her head back in laughter.

"That joke is so over used!" I said in embarrassment.

"It's okay, Hermione." She said placing a hand on my shoulder, "You don't have to tell me about your night."

"What are you two yelling about?" Ron asked as he came into the room, "I can hear you all the way down stairs."

"Oh nothing." Ginny smirked, "Hermione was just telling me how she was a freak in the sheets."

I covered my face in embarrassment.

"Oh." Ron said, "Okay...well. I'll leave on that note. I don't think I want to hear about Hermione in bed."

I noticed Ron wasn't speaking out of jealousy. He was just saying that because he's my best friend.
He's changed since the war. He isn't as childish. I guess fighting in battle forces you to grow up.

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