The Unknown Sender

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Ron and I sprung into action in trying to find Nagini. Now that Voldemort was busy with Harry, she was left alone. I quickly pushed Draco out of my mind and focused on our task. There was no time for screw ups. We had to get this right.
"Ron!" I yelled over the ruckus.

"Mione!" He yelled back, coming to my side, "Where is that bloody snake?"

"She might be following Voldemort. She could be trailing behind him to avoid people." I suggested.

"So we go towards him then." He nodded.

Ron and I made our way towards Harry slowly, making sure we weren't being followed by Death Eaters. Surely enough we came across Nagini.
"There." I pointed out.

She was slithering up a long stairwell that was now destroyed.
Come on, Hermione. What do we do?
"Ron. Go over there and hide." I instructed as I picked up a rock and chunked it at the large snake.

"Are you mad?!" He whispered as he darted behind the wall.

"Wait until it's close enough." I told him and threw the basilisk fang towards him.

Nagini made her way towards me and I instantly felt my heart race. I then picked up another rock and threw it at her harder.
Come on you bitch!
Just as she turned her back to Ron's hiding spot, he kept up behind her. Unfortunately, she whipped her head around and hissed at Ron, cause him to fall backwards in fear. He dropped the basilisk fang on the floor and she used her tail to side swipe it onto the stairwell below us. It broke into pieces.
Now what?!

"Run." Ron told me as he got to his feet. He reached for my hand and we ran as fast as we could away from the snake.

We tried out best to out run the damn thing, but she was quicker than we were. As we started tumbling to the floor, I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes. This was it. This was the end. We had no weapons.
Ron and I hit the ground and turned to face our deaths. Or so we thought. Suddenly, Neville swung the sword of Gryffindor with all his might. He cut Nagini right in half.
Ron and I sat in disbelief for a bit before we could move.
"Need a hand?" Neville asked, offering to help us both up.

After taking his hand and coming to my feet, I turned and hugged Ron once again, "I thought that was it. I thought we were going to die."

"I know, Mione." Ron agreed, holding me tight, "I know."

The events after the battle were strange. Harry beat Voldemort once Nagini was killed. There was nothing left in him to keep fighting. Ron went off on his own for a while to spend time with family. Harry and I didn't have any family at the moment, so we stuck together for a bit. He helped me locate my parents. They somehow ended up in Australia. I ended up going and gave their memories back. It was a really emotional time for months.
I waited for Draco to contact me through this time. He and his parents must have went into hiding considering he, as well as his mother, betrayed Voldemort. There were a few Death Eaters that still wanted to follow out his duties, but eventually everyone was thrown into Azkaban. Ron's father became the Minister of Magic and had every Death Eater put on trial. Each week I listened to the radio, praying I didn't hear Draco Malfoy's name.
It wasn't until six months after that I finally heard from him.

I was doing my dishes in my parents house when an owl came to the window. Seeing as my parents didn't receive mail through owls, I knew it was for me.
I wiped my hands off and opened the latch to the window. I then took the letter hanging from the owl's mouth and thanked him.

There was only my name on the letter without any of the sender's information. Hesitantly, I opened it. It read:
I spent days figuring out what to say to you in this letter. I just can't seem to find the right words, so I decided to wing it.
It's been about six months since I last saw you. I hope you're not angry with me.
My family and I have been away on vacation. Somewhere far away with lots of water.
I miss you terribly. As things are returning back to normal, our family is deciding whether or not we want to come back. My parents have grown to like it here. However, all I can think about is your lips and how it feels to kiss you. I want to leave. I want to come home to you. I want to make things right and live out a life where we can be together, but that can't happen at the moment. I'm trying to find my way back to you as I promised.
I don't really know what else to say other than I haven't forgotten about you. Not for a second.
I love you, Hermione. I hope I can see you soon.

My heart both ached and fluttered reading Draco's words. I could tell there was some code language in the letter. With the Ministry cracking down on people who had any involvement in Voldemort's rise, it made sense to keep things cryptic. If someone found this letter with Draco's information and him explaining him and his parents are in hiding, they'd go after him immediately.

I need to find a way to get Draco off the hook.
Draco Malfoy was in fact a former Death Eater and played a big role in Voldemort's return. His name was certainly on the list of wanted people in the Wizarding World.
Ron. I have to speak to Ron.


"No." Ron shook his head, "Absolutely not."

"Ron!" I exclaimed, "Why not?!"

Ron our his hands on his face, "Because Mione. Draco Malfoy was a Death Eater. You know the rules."

"You're really going to sit here and tell me that Draco joined Voldemort's army willingly?" I asked him in a serious tone, "He was born into it and you know that."

Ron refused to talk to his father for me about a fair trial for Draco. Sure, Arthur and I had a good relationship seeing as I was Ron's best friend, but do you think he'd actually listen to me about something like this? No.

"Mione." Ron started, "It's not that simple. We lost Fred through all of this. Dad doesn't give Death Eaters the time of day. It's more complex than you think."

The Weasley's have had a hard time with Fred's death. George of course has taken it the hardest.
"And I understand that." I said softly, "But wouldn't you want a fair trial if you were in his position? Harry didn't ask to be part of any of this either...he was also born into a life he didn't ask for."

Ron let out a sigh, "I guess I could try to talk to him."

My heart was instantly filled with hope, "Thank you, Ron"

"Don't mention it." He said rolling his eyes.

"No. Absolutely not." Arthur Weasley chuckled as he took another bite of his food.

Well shit.
Mrs. Weasley has invited me to stay for dinner and Ron decided to mention Draco at dinner.
Ron looked to me as if he were saying "I told you so".
I ignored him as best as I could and cleared my throat, "Mr. Weasley. I know you're not very fond of Lucius Malfoy, but don't you feel bad for Draco? He didn't exactly ask to be part of this."

Arthur look to me with a cocked eyebrow, "And when did you all of a sudden start feeling bad for the boy? As I understood it, you hated him."

I felt everyone's eyes on me instantly. Ginny was trying her best to avoid my gaze. Obviously she knew everything.
" feelings aside, I don't think he had a choice. Doesn't everyone deserve a fair trial?"

"They killed my son." Mr. Weasley said coldly, "That wasn't very fair, was it?"

I bit my lip in embarrassment and went back to eating my food.
Now what am I going to do?

Not going to lie...I wasn't expecting the book to take a turn like this! I just kind of started writing it haha!

Hope y'all are enjoying! :)
Back in the day when I had wattpad I stressed myself out all the time to push out chapters, so this time around I'm taking weekends to myself. I will update every weekday morning.
Thank you for understanding !!


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